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Public API: Complete a Task

Isaiah Fisher edited this page Dec 17, 2024 · 1 revision

Completing a task

You complete a task via API by sending a POST request to this endpoint:<workflow-id>/task-complete

Only the currently active task in a workflow can be completed. To do so you need to pass in the task-id, the performer id, along with data for the output fields you want filled out before the task is completed.

These are passed in as a json that looks like this:

  'output': {
    'output-field-2:['selection-id-1', 'selection-id-2' ...],
    'output-field-3: 'selection-id',

Thus, to complete a task, you need to know:

  • the id of the workflow the task belongs to – you can look this up in Pneumatic
  • the id of the task to complete – you can query the workflow for the id of the current task
  • the API names of the output fields you want to fill out, along with the selection ids of the checkbox and radio button fields you'll be filling out – you can look these up on the API tab in the integrations section of your template

This is what it looks like in Python:

import requests

api_key = 'your_api_key'
headers = {
  'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}',

workflow_id ='the id of the workflow you want to complete the curren task in'
workflow = requests.get(f"{workflow_id}", headers=headers).json()

task_id =workflow['current_task']['id']
user_id='the id of the user who will be completing the task(optiona)'

headers = {
  'Authorization': f'Bearer {api_key}',

data_and_outputs ={
  'output': {
    'output-field-2:['selection-id-1', 'selection-id-2' ...],
    'output-field-3: 'selection-id',
json_data = json.dumps(data_and_outputs)
r =
  data = json_data

If the task's been successfully completed you just get a 200 code in response, otherwise you get a json describing what went wrong(or at least trying to describe what went wrong).