Marry CQRS with Event Sourcing
This package acts as a glue component between prooph/service-bus and prooph/event-store.
This library will receive support until December 31, 2019 and will then be deprecated.
For further information see the official announcement here:
- Transaction handling based on command dispatch
- Event publishing after event store commit
- Causation Metadata Enricher based on command dispatch & event-store create/appendTo
Documentation is in the doc tree, and can be compiled using bookdown.
$ php ./vendor/bin/bookdown docs/bookdown.json
$ php -S -t docs/html/
Then browse to http://localhost:8080/
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- File issues at
- Say hello in the prooph gitter chat.
Please feel free to fork and extend existing or add new plugins and send a pull request with your changes! To establish a consistent code quality, please provide unit tests for all your changes and may adapt the documentation.
Please refer to the project composer.json for the list of dependencies.
Released under the New BSD License.