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good first issue
good first issue
Recommended Issue for new contributors
help wanted
help wanted
Issues requiring further investigation and discussion
P: urgent
P: urgent
requires core approval
requires core approval
Issue & PR requiring Core Team approval
S: duplicate
S: duplicate
Duplicate Issue & PR
S: invaild
S: invaild
Not valid Issue & PR
S: wontfix
S: wontfix
Bugs not corrected or investigated
T: bug (confirmed)
T: bug (confirmed)
Bug Reports
T: bug (unconfirmed)
T: bug (unconfirmed)
Bug Reports (unconfirmed)
T: discussion
T: discussion
New Discussion
T: docs
T: docs
Document Changes
T: feature
T: feature
New feature
T: hotfix
T: hotfix
Bug Fixes
T: improvement
T: improvement
Improvement of functions, etc.
T: question
T: question
T: renovate
T: renovate
Automatic renewal by renovate
T: spam
T: spam