Blocked on input from the author and hasn't been updated in 14 days
Awaiting upstream dependency
Pull requests that update a dependency file
An issue that was added to the current milestone after planning
Pull requests that update go code
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Something that is difficult or impossible for some people to use
Fixing this issue will require a breaking change
Something that is causing unneeded expense
A test that is unreliable
This issue doesn't require a CHANGELOG update
This bug represents a panic or unexpected crash
Something is slower than expected
Something that used to work, but is now broken
Something that feels unreliable or flaky
Something that impacts users' ability to use the product easily and intuitively
Pull requests that update javascript code
Some behavior is incorrect or out of spec
An engineering design doc, usually part of an Epic
Work that is not visible to an external user
Improvements or new features
Large new features or investments
Questions about existing features
Work that's part of an ongoing epic