This is a demo of a real-time chat app using React and Pusher's Chatkit. You can read about how it was created on Pusher's blog.
- An IDE of your choice e.g. Visual Studio Code.
- A basic knowledge of JavaScript
- An understanding of React and its component lifecycle methods is necessary.
- You’ll need to have Node >= version 6 and npm >= version 5.2 on your machine.
- Basic knowledge of using a CLI tool or terminal.
To get started with the project, make sure you have all the prequiisites above.
- Clone the project to your machine
- Update the keys in
- Run the command
npm install
- Run the command
npm start
- Visit http://localhost:3000 to see application in action.
- Pusher Chatkit - Chatkit is the new Pusher service that adds chat to your web and mobile apps.
- Create React App boilerplate - Boilerplate for developing React apps.