This is a complete rewrite of CCMenu.
There will be a number of pre-releases via GitHub before it reaches the AppStore.
Significant known issues are filed as bugs.
For now the roadmap is tracked in this readme file.
- Monitor hard-coded pipelines
- Read legacy config
- Support for GitHub Actions workflows
- Add pipelines
- Persistent sorting of pipelines
- Sign in at GitHub
- GitHub repository and workflow selection
- Caching of last-used authentication token
- Notifications
- Build timer updates every second
- Discover project names for CCTray feeds
- Store GitHub tokens in Keychain
- Basic auth login for CCTray feeds
- GitHub API rate limit handling
- Optimised CCTray reader requests
- Edit pipelines
- Remaining menu appearance options
- Reduced polling frequency on low data connections
- Import and export of pipeline config
- Set user/password for CCTray pipelines
- Refresh GitHub token
- Sounds
- Support for workflow-specific GitHub tokens
- Improve accessibility
- Add support for localisation
- Show avatar in notifications (committer or repo owner)
- Support for log in with GitHub (is this even possible?)
- Support for GitHub apps
- Pipeline groups with submenus
- Add Nevergreen-style dashboard (full screen window)
- Embed libjq to transform feeds from other CI servers