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This repository was archived by the owner on Apr 21, 2019. It is now read-only.


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This project is deprecated. Please check out rabix/cottontail-frontend instead.



Running cottontail requires NodeJS 4+.

Download the tarball of the latest release on the releases page.

  1. Either use your OS to unpack the tar, or run tar -zxf {archive_name} -C {output_folder}.
  2. cd into the cottontail directory that was just created. Run sudo npm link to create the cottontail global symlink.
  3. Use it by running cottontail [directory (optional)] [-o (open browser, optional)] [--port 1337 (optional)]

In order to improve our software, we may report runtime errors back to our servers. If you explicitly wish to disable this, you can add a --no-error-reporting parameter to the CLI command.

Some users might experience issues running sudo npm link on Ubuntu. If the issue is caused by kerberos, installing libkrb5-dev seems to solve this:

sudo apt-get install libkrb5-dev


Running npm run package in the root project folder will produce a tarball in the "release" subfolder.

Local Development

Local cottontail requires Bower.

After cloning the repo locally, run the following commands in the root of the cottontail project:

cd server
npm install

This will install the dependencies required for the server to run, then from the server directory:

cd ../client
npm install && bower install
cd src/editors
npm install && bower install

After all dependencies are installed, from the client root (cottontail/client) run gulp local-build to build JS/CSS required for the client.

To watch all JS and SCSS files during development, run gulp watch.

Running the Server

After all local dependencies have been installed, you can run the server by doing the following from the root of the cottontail project:

cd ../server
node app.js {target_directory} [-o (open browser, optional)] [--port 1337 (optional)]


Server tests: To run the server tests run the following command from the project root:

node serverSpec-runner.js

This will run the tests in the /spec folder and generates a JUnitXml report in the /spec/report folder. The tests files must have a *[sS]pec.js ending.