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Add polish translation #62

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polish-string-constants.rkt: add more translations
Signed-off-by: Maciej Barć <[email protected]>
xgqt committed Aug 17, 2023
commit 08dfffd9cfae62336a2537427d865a0e258b7801
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -265,111 +265,111 @@ please adhere to these guidelines:
(cs-contract-unk-obligation "Contract: unknown obligation")

;; require prefix functionality
(cs-add-prefix-for-require "Add prefix for require")
(cs-prefix-require-title "Prefix Require")
(cs-prefix-require "Choose a prefix to add to each imported variable")
(cs-add-prefix-for-require "Dodaj prefiks dla wymogu (require)")
(cs-prefix-require-title "Prefiks wymogu")
(cs-prefix-require "Wybierz prefiks, który zostanie dodany do każdej importowanej zmiennej")
"All of the requires already appear to have a prefix; try to rename it instead")
"Wszystkie wymagania wydają się już mieć prefiks; spróbuj zamiast tego zmienić jego nazwę")
"The require appears to already have a prefix; try to rename it instead")
"Wygląda na to, że wymaganie ma już prefiks; spróbuj zamiast tego zmienić jego nazwę")

;; mode sub-menu in the "view" menu
(cs-check-syntax-mode "Check Syntax Mode")
(cs-mode-menu-show-my-obligations "My Contract Obligations")
(cs-mode-menu-show-client-obligations "Client Contract Obligations")
(cs-mode-menu-show-syntax "Syntactic Categories")
(cs-check-syntax-mode "Tryb sprawdzania składni")
(cs-mode-menu-show-my-obligations "Moje zobowiązania kontraktu")
(cs-mode-menu-show-client-obligations "Klienckie zobowiązania kontraktu")
(cs-mode-menu-show-syntax "Kategorie składniowe")

;; the documentation blue boxes in the upper-right corner of the drracket window
(sc-read-more... "
(sc-f2-to-un/lock "f2 to (un)lock")
(sc-read-more... "czytaj więcej…")
(sc-f2-to-un/lock "f2 aby (od)blokować")

;; the online check syntax status messages (mouse over the bottom right of drracket's
;; window to see the messages during online expansion's various phases)
(online-expansion-running "Background expansion running")
(online-expansion-only-raw-text-files-supported "Only pure text files supported")
(online-expansion-abnormal-termination "Background expansion terminated abnormally")
(online-expansion-running "Uruchomione rozszerzenie w tle")
(online-expansion-only-raw-text-files-supported "Obsługiwane są tylko pliki czysto tekstowe")
(online-expansion-abnormal-termination "Rozszerzanie w tle zakończyło się nieprawidłowo")
"Background expansion terminated abnormally (out of memory)")
(online-expansion-finished-successfully "Background expansion finished successfully")
"Rozszerzanie w tle zakończone nieprawidłowo (brak dostępnej pamięci)")
(online-expansion-finished-successfully "Rozszerzanie w tle zakończyło się pomyślnie")

(jump-to-error "Jump to Error")
(copy-error-message "Copy Error Message")
(online-expansion-is-disabled "Background expansion is disabled")
(jump-to-error "Skocz do błędu")
(copy-error-message "Skopiuj wiadomość o będzie")
(online-expansion-is-disabled "Rozszerzanie w tle jest wyłaczone")
; these next two show up in the bar along the bottom of the drracket window
(online-expansion-pending "Background expansion pending…")
(online-expansion-pending "Rozszerzanie w tle w toku…")
;; note: there may still be errors in this case
(online-expansion-finished "Background expansion finished")
(online-expansion-finished "Rozszerzanie w tle zakończone")
; the next two show up in a menu when you click on the circle in the bottom right corner
(disable-online-expansion "Disable background expansion")
(enable-online-expansion "Enable background expansion")
(disable-online-expansion "Wyłączanie rozszerzania w tle")
(enable-online-expansion "Włączenie rozszerzania w tle")
;; the online expansion preferences pane
(online-expansion "Background Expansion") ;; title of prefs pane
(online-expansion "Rozszerzanie w tle") ;; title of prefs pane
; the different kinds of errors
(online-expansion-show-read-errors-as "Show read-level errors")
(online-expansion-show-variable-errors-as "Show unbound identifier errors")
(online-expansion-show-other-errors-as "Show other errors")
(online-expansion-show-read-errors-as "Pokaż błędy na poziomie odczytu")
(online-expansion-show-variable-errors-as "Pokaż błędy niezwiązanego identyfikatora")
(online-expansion-show-other-errors-as "Pokaż inne błędy")
; locations the errors can be shown
(online-expansion-error-gold-highlight "with gold highlighting")
(online-expansion-error-margin "in the margin")
(online-expansion-error-gold-highlight "ze złotym podświetleniem")
(online-expansion-error-margin "na marginesie")
; the label of a preference in the (string-constant online-expansion) section
(show-arrows-on-mouseover "Show binding and tail-position arrows on mouseover")
(show-blueboxes "Show signature boxes and signature box arrow semi-circle in upper-right corner")
(show-arrows-on-mouseover "Wyświetlanie strzałek pozycji wiązania i ogona po najechaniu myszą")
(show-blueboxes "Pokaż pola podpisu i półkole strzałki pola podpisu w prawym górnym rogu")
;;; info bar at botttom of drscheme frame
(collect-button-label "GC")
(read-only "Read only")
(auto-extend-selection "Auto-extend")
(overwrite "Overwrite")
(running "running")
(not-running "not running")
(read-only "Tylko do odczytu")
(auto-extend-selection "Automatyczne rozszerzanie")
(overwrite "Nadpisywanie")
(running "uruchomiony")
(not-running "nie uruchomiony")

;; button label: ~a is filled with the name of a pkg
(install-package-button "Install ~a")
(install-package-button "Zainstaluj ~a")
;; button label; shown when there is a missing module, but no matching package
(update-catalog "Update Catalog")
(update-catalog "Zaktualizuj katalog")
;; message label; used as a status message when updating the pkg catalog
(updating-catalog-from "Updating from ~a…")
(updating-catalog-from "Aktualizacja z ~a…")

;;; misc
(welcome-to-something "Welcome to ~a")
(welcome-to-something "Witaj w ~a")

; this appears in the drscheme about box.
(welcome-to-drscheme-version/language "Welcome to DrRacket, version ~a, ~a")
(welcome-to-drscheme-version/language "Witaj w programie DrRacket, wersji ~a, ~a")

; these appear on subsequent lines in the `Help|Welcome to DrRacket' dialog.
(welcome-to-drscheme "Welcome to DrRacket")
(welcome-to-drscheme "Witaj w programie DrRacket")

(goto-line "Goto line")
(goto-line "Idź do linii")
"~a is not a valid line number. It must be an integer between 1 and ~a")
"~a nie jest prawidłowym numerem linii. Musi to być liczba całkowita pomiędzy 1 a ~a")
(goto-position "Goto Position")
"The file does not have a full name because it has not yet been saved.")
(cannot-open-because-dne "Cannot open ~a because it does not exist.")
(cannot-open-because-dne "Nie można otworzyć ~a, ponieważ nie istnieje.")

"WARNING: The language has changed. Click Run.")
"WARNING: Język został zmieniony. Kliknij przycisk Uruchom.")
"WARNING: The teachpacks have changed. Click Run.")
"WARNING: Teachpaki zostały zmienione. Kliknij przycisk Uruchom.")
"WARNING: The definitions window has changed. Click Run.")
"WARNING: Okno definicji uległo zmianie. Kliknij przycisk Uruchom.")

"This editor has been changed since the source location was recorded,"
" so the highlighted region may no longer correspond to the correct source location.")
"Ten edytor został zmieniony od czasu zarejestrowania lokalizacji źródłowej,"
" więc podświetlony region może już nie odpowiadać prawidłowej lokalizacji źródłowej.")

(file-is-not-saved "The file “~a” is not saved.")
(save "Save")
(close-anyway "Close Anyway")
(dont-save "Don't Save")
(clear-anyway "Clear Anyway")
(file-is-not-saved "Plik “~a” nie jest zapisany.")
(save "Zapisz")
(close-anyway "Zamknij mimo to")
(dont-save "Nie zapisuj")
(clear-anyway "Wyczyść w każdym razie")

;; menu item title
(log-definitions-and-interactions "Log Definitions and Interactions…")
(stop-logging "Stop Logging")
(please-choose-a-log-directory "Please choose a log directory")
(logging-to "Logging to: ")
(erase-log-directory-contents "Erase contents of log directory: ~a?")
(error-erasing-log-directory "Error erasing log directory contents.\n\n~a\n")
(log-definitions-and-interactions "Definicje dziennika i interakcje…")
(stop-logging "Zatrzymaj rejestrowanie")
(please-choose-a-log-directory "Wybierz katalog dziennika")
(logging-to "Rejestrowanie do: ")
(erase-log-directory-contents "Wymaż zawartość katalogu dziennika: ~a?")
(error-erasing-log-directory "Błąd kasowania zawartości katalogu dziennika.\n\n~a\n")

;; menu items connected to the logger; also in a button in the planet status line in the drs frame
(show-log "Show &Log")