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@kilograham kilograham released this 25 Nov 05:55
· 73 commits to master since this release

This is a minor release of the SDK with many bug fixes and documentation improvements, along with some new features.

Highlights are listed below, or you can see the full list of individual commits here, and the full list of resolved issues here.

Board Support

The following board has been added and may be specified via PICO_BOARD:

  • adafruit_feather_rp2350
  • datanoisetv_rp2350_dsp
  • hellbender_0001
  • machdyne_werkzeug
  • pico2_w
  • pimoroni_pico_plus2_w_rp2350
  • sparkfun_thingplus_rp2350

The following board configurations have been modified:

  • pimoroni_plasma2350 - corrected flash size, renamed SPICE to SPCE
  • pimoroni_tiny2350 - corrected flash size

Notable Library Changes/Improvements

Clock dividers in general

  • A variety of methods which set clock dividers using an integer part and a fractional part, which might have been hardware_xxx_set_clkdiv_int_frac(uint16_t div_int, uint8_t div_frac) have been modified to hardware_xx_set_clkdiv_int_frac8(uint32_t div_int, uint8_t div_frac). This has been done for consistency and to make the APIs more resistant to hardware changes. The old APIs are preserved for backwards compatibility.
  • Previously, when converting from floating-point clock divider values to the fixed point use by the hardware, the floating-point value was rounded down. The new default (as configured by PICO_CLKDIV_ROUND_NEAREST) is to round to the nearest achievable value. This minor change in behavior was deemed better in general, which is why the default was changed. You may set PICO_CLKDIV_ROUND_NEAREST=0 to restore the previous beahvior by default (note that individual libraries have their own configuration values which can be used to change the behavior on a per-library basis).


  • Fixed exception renaming for RP2350


  • Added PICO_ADC_CLKDIV_ROUND_NEAREST for controlling rounding of floating-point clock dividers


  • Corrected spelling of PICO_CLOCK_AJDUST_PERI_CLOCK_WITH_SYS_CLOCK to PICO_CLOCK_ADJUST_PERI_CLOCK_WITH_SYS_CLOCK. The former is still supported.
  • now outputs SYS_CLK_HZ in the CMake output, which is required for clock_get_hz(clk_sys) to return the correct value
  • Renamed clock_gpio_init_int_frac() to clock_gpio_init_int_frac8() to be clear that it takes an 8-bit fraction; the old name is still supported.
  • Added clock_gpio_init_int_frac16() to specify the fraction with 16-bit precision (RP2350 has 16 bits of precision). This method can still be called on RP2040 in which case the low 8-bits are ignored.
  • Added PICO_CLOCK_GPIO_CLKDIV_ROUND_NEAREST for controlling rounding of floating-point clock dividers


  • Fixed dma_channel_cleanup() to disable the channel with the new DMA IRQs added in RP2350


  • Added missing Cortex-M33 exception numbers


  • Prevented flash functions flash_range_eraae(), flash_range_program() and flash_do_cmd() from trashing the user's CS1 QMI configuration on RP2350
  • Fixed issue with flash_safe_execute on FreeRTOS SMP


  • Added i2c_write_burst_blocking and i2c_read_burst_blocking to send/receive multiple bytes without intervening stops.
  • Fixed rare hang during i2c_read_blocking


  • Renamed interp_add_accumulater() to interp_add_accumulator(). The old incorrect spelling is still supported.


  • Added pio_sm_set_pins64(), pio_sm_set_pins_with_mask64() and pio_sm_set_pindirs_with_mask64() to allow setting of >32 pins.
  • Much improved documentation of how GPIO numbers > 32 are handled.
  • Fixed a bug in the use of a "jmp pin" > 32.
  • Fixed implementation of sm_config_set_in_pin_count()
  • Renamed sm_config_set_clkdiv_int_frac() to sm_config_set_clkdiv_int_frac8() to be clear that it takes an 8-bit fraction; the old name is still supported. Note that "int" part in the new method is 32-bit not 16-bit for consistency with other clkdiv methods.
  • Renamed pio_calculate_clkdiv_from_float() to pio_calculate_clkdiv8_from_float() to be clear that it produces an 8-bit fraction; the old name is still supported. Note that "int" part in the new method is 32-bit not 16-bit for consistency with other clkdiv methods.
  • Added PICO_PIO_CLKDIV_ROUND_NEAREST for controlling rounding of floating-point clock dividers


  • Renamed pwm_config_set_clkdiv_int_frac() to pwm_config_set_clkdiv_int_frac4() to be clear that it takes an 4-bit fraction; the old name is still supported. Note that "int" part in the new method is 32-bit not 8-bit for consistency with other clkdiv methods.
  • Added PICO_PWM_CLKDIV_ROUND_NEAREST for controlling rounding of floating-point clock dividers


  • Fixed bug with alarms when using RP2350's new TIMER1
  • Corrected signature of hardware_alarm_get_irq_num() method added in SDK2.0.0. The variant that takes (and uses) a timer instance is called timer_hardware_alarm_get_irq_num().


  • Added aon_timer_start_calendar(), aon_timer_set_time_calendar(), aon_timer_get_time_calendar() and aon_timer_enable_alarm_calendar() methods. These are equivalent to the non-_calendar() variants except they deal in calendar (date/) time, rather than time intervals.

    These new variants are preferred on RP2040 since otherwise a date/time conversion must be performed which pulls in a lot of C library code. For the same reason, the pre-existing variants are preferred on RP2350. This discrepancy results from the different hardware used for the AON timer on RP2040 and RP2350.


  • Fixed atomic use between core 0 and core 1


  • Fixed possible HardFault in execute_sync() on FreeRTOS


  • bi_Xpins_with_names() macros now work correctly when pin numbers are not in order


  • Added rom_reset_usb_boot_extra() which supports an "activity" GPIO pin > 32 and GPIO pin inversion (active low).
  • Bootrom methods that may write to flash are now protected with flash_safe_execute(). This affects rom_flash_op() and rom_explicit_buy()`


  • Fixed implementation on RP2350. Note the RP2350 bootrom also provides this support if enabled via OTP, however this library can be used when that is not enabled.


  • __HeapLimit is now correctly set by the default linker scripts again
  • Fixed linker option -Wl,--print-memory-usage showing 100% RAM used


  • Made Some small improvements to picolibc integration


  • Allow user configuration of Wi-Fi pins (including pin numbers >32) and SPI clock, including dynamic SPI clock configuration at runtime.
  • Updated cye43_driver to revision cf924bb
  • Renamed cyw43_set_pio_clkdiv_int_frac() to cyw43_set_pio_clkdiv_int_frac8() to be clear that it takes an 8-bit fraction; the old name is still supported. Note that "int" part in the new method is 32-bit not 16-bit for consistency with other clkdiv methods
  • Renamed CYW43_PIO_CLOCK_DIV_FRAC8 to CYW43_PIO_CLOCK_DIV_FRAC. The old name is still supported
  • RISC-V is now supported
  • Added PICO_BTSTACK_CYW43_MAX_HCI_PROCESS_LOOP_COUNT configuration option, which can be used to prevent starvation in high frequency Bluetooth scenarios.


  • Support serial flash with >8 byte unique id, using the last 8 bytes rather than the first


  • Added optimized add/sub/mul implemtations for Hazard3 for better floating point speed


  • Fixed deadlock in calloc() and realloc() with picolibc


  • Added pico_default_asm_volatile_goto()


  • Added back boot_stage2 binary info (missing in SDK 2.0.0)


  • Fixed stdio_flush() when used with stdio_uart_init_full()
  • Fixed race condition in stdio_set_chars_available_callback()


  • Fixed Windows issue with the device not showing up if the reset interface is disabled
  • Added support for resetting to USB boot with an activity LED pin > 32 or with the LED active low (on RP2350)


  • Fixed race condition which could cause alarms to be lost
  • Fixed continuous wakeup in best_effort_wfe_or_timeout() on RP2350


  • Added datetime_to_tm() and tm_to_datetime() for converting C library date/times to/from RP2040 RTC date/times
  • Added pico_localtime_r() and pico_mktime() for use by pico_util time conversion code. These methods cass the equivalent C library function, but are defined weakly so the user can provide their own


New Libraries


Split out the headers defining the bootrom interface - that might be used outside the SDK - from pico_bootrom which is focused on calling the bootrom from the SDK, and has non-trivial dependencies.


Provides XIP cache maintenance APIs:

  • RP2040 support for cache invalidation
  • RP2350 support for cache invalidation/cleaning/pinning


  • Numerous documentation corrections/improvements
  • Various build warnings fixed in exotic compiler configuratons
  • RP2350 A0/A1 silicon are no longer supported


  • Fixed disassembly of mov rx_fifo, ... and mov ..., rx_fifo instructions


  • Madebuild dependent on any signature files or embedded-partition-table JSON
  • Added back .hex file output (lost in 2.0.0)
  • Made PICO_FLASH_SIZE_BYTES and PICO_CYW43_SUPPORTED if specified in CMake, correctly affect the compiled code.
  • Various corrections to library dependencies
  • Added PANIC and AUTO_INIT_MUTEX options to pico_minimize_runtime()
  • Made boot_stage2 build reproducible (same binary if no source changes)

Bazel Build

  • Add support for building on Raspberry Pi OS
  • More CMake build configuration options supported
  • Preview support for Wi-Fi builds


Thanks to the following for their contributions:

Andrew Featherstone,
Andrew Burge,
Andrew Scheller,
Armando Montanez,
Caleb Jamison,
Chris Boross,
Dave Roth,
David Goffredo,
Dhiru Kholia,
Dryw Wade,
Earle F. Philhower,
Giampiero Baggiani,
Graham Sanderson,
Gregory Neverov,
Hugh Nixon,
Ikko Eltociear Ashimine,
Jack Wilsdon,
Liam Fraser,
Luke Wren,
Machdyne UG,
Matt Bennett,
Mete Balcı,
Nhan Cao,
Nikhil Dabas,
Peter Harper,
Petr Hosek,
Philip Howard,
Scott Shawcroft,
Stanislav Rubint,
Stefan Kerkmann,
Taylor Cramer,
Thomas Watson,
Tobias Simetsreiter,
William Vinnicombe,