shortcuts | description |
alt + x |
search emacs commands |
c (2) t / |
Change unTil (second) / |
d w |
Delete Word |
y y |
Yank (copy) a line |
p |
Paste bellow |
P |
Paste above |
c i " |
Change Inside " |
u |
Undo |
ctrl + r |
Redo |
shift + v (j) (k) |
Select lines on Visual mode (down) (up) |
shift + k |
go to documentation |
(shift) o |
new line (above) |
33 G |
Go to line 33 |
/bla (n) (N) |
search word bla on file. Press enter, then n (next) or N (previous) |
0 |
beginning of line |
$ |
end of line |
:e <tab> |
Edit of create file |
:! ls |
run the ls command on terminal |
:w |
Write (aka save) file |
:q |
Quit the buffer (also closes current window) |
:%s/bla/ble/gI |
Substitute (aka replace) word bla for ble on file (%), case sensitively (I) |
space q s |
Save current session |
space c d |
go to Definition |
space c D |
go to references |
space / |
search on project (Note: use up (↑ ) and down keys to navigate, not j and k ) |
space b k |
Kill (close) the current Buffer |
space space |
open files on current project |
space b i |
see and navigate through open files on the current Buffer (ibuffer) |
space o P |
open project tree, showing the current file location |
space w h |
move to the window on the left (h). You can also go to right (l), down (j) and up (k) |
space w v |
split Window Vertically (aka opens new window on the right) |
space o t |
Open Terminal inside emacs (if configured and installed) |
alt + ↑ (or ↓ ) |
move the current line upwards (↑ ) or downwards (↓ ) |
:m33 |
move the current line to the 33 line (tbh, it moves to the line right after the 33 ) |
* (or # ) |
finds next (or past) occurrencies of the current word on the same file |
#TODO: sort shortcuts
shortcuts | description |
, e b |
Eval current file (aka Buffer) |
, t n |
Run Test on current Namespace |
, t t |
Run current test |
, t a |
Rerun last test |
parinfer ; turn lisp into python, sort of
(:if IS-MAC macos) ; improve compatibility with macOS
tty ; improve the terminal Emacs experience
(clojure +lsp) ; java with a lisp
emacs-lisp ; drown in parentheses
json ; At least it ain't XML
markdown ; writing docs for people to ignore
sh ; she sells {ba,z,fi}sh shells on the C xor
yaml ; JSON, but readable
;; binding for the ' bug in mac:
(map! :after clojure-mode
:map clojure-mode-map
:desc "Cider jack in CLJ"
"s" #'cider-jack-in-clj)
;; which-key delay time
(setq which-key-idle-delay 0.3
which-key-idle-secondary-delay 0.05)
Enable tty
in the init.el
and start emacs using --no-window-system
emacs -nw
Starting the daemon:
emacs --daemon
Connecting to it:
emacsclient -nw
alias ec="emacsclient -nw"
alias ekill="emacsclient -e '(kill-emacs)'"
alias edaemon="emacs --daemon"
alias erestart="ekill && edaemon"