TLDR; App to track subsitutions in team sports
Live demo:
This is a small and very simple app that aims help parents and coaches keep track of the substitutions and playing time in a game of chaos involving your small kids running around a football pitch (or other team games) where you're trying your best to keep track of whose on next, who has played too little, who has been playing a bit too long, and who was it that just came off?
The app is local storage only, meaning no calls to apis. And state is continuously stored in the storage, meaning that it will never lose context if you accidentally navigate away from the app and back again (or if your screen idles and turns off, which seems to be enough for most apps nowadays to completely loose state and context leaving the user confused and annoyed).
The word skipti is from old norse, meaning change.
This project is using the following technologies:
- ClojureScript - Shadow CLJS - Replicant - DOM rendering - m1p - i18n - phosphor-clj - Phosphor icons provided as hiccup
Start the development server
npx shadow-cljs watch app
Run the tests
npx shadow-cljs watch test
Or both at the same time
npx shadow-cljs watch app test
If you are using Emacs then just jack in cljs and both app and tests will run. (the test output will be visible in the repl).
The app is then available at http://localhost:9090