Solutions for the assignments at
Passwordless SSH access to LCC2 must be configured as lcc2
, i.e. ssh lcc2
should work.
Create a symlink to the scratch partition using
rake lcc2:symlink_scratch
Install using
rake lcc2:install_homebrew
and activate it with
eval $(~/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)
Install using
rake lcc2:install_boost
and use it in a Makefile
CXX_FLAGS += -lboost_mpi -lboost_serialization
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(HOME)/.local/include)", "")
CXX_FLAGS += -I"$(HOME)/.local/include"
ifneq ("$(wildcard $(HOME)/.local/lib)", "")
CXX_FLAGS += -L"$(HOME)/.local/lib" -Wl,-rpath,"$(HOME)/.local/lib"
Install using
rake lcc2:install_rust
and activate it with
source ~/.cargo/env
Install using
rake lcc2:install_openmpi
and activate it by activating Homebrew with
eval $(~/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)