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Custom Jenkins Image

Create Custom Jenkins image using, Jenkins S2i Image


Jenkins custom image autobuild


Configuration files

Jenkins S2i Image requires a folder structure: Tree structure

Create custom jenkins image

  1. Login into oc CLI: oc login <host>
  2. Add username
  3. Add password
  4. Create project if needed: oc new-project <projectName>
  5. (Optional) if your repo is private, create a new secret: oc create secret generic git-secret --from-literal=username=<username> --from-literal=password=<password> -n <projectName>
  6. Create the new build (if the repository is private add --source-secret=git-secret): oc new-build jenkins:2~ --name=custom-jenkins -e GIT_SSL_NO_VERIFY=true -e OVERRIDE_PV_CONFIG_WITH_IMAGE_CONFIG=true -e OVERRIDE_PV_PLUGINS_WITH_IMAGE_PLUGINS=true -n <projectName>
  7. Wait until the image is created.

Create new jenkins app, using jenkins-persistent template

  1. Use jenkins-persistent template: oc new-app jenkins-persistent -p JENKINS_IMAGE_STREAM_TAG=custom-jenkins:latest -p NAMESPACE=<projectName> -p MEMORY_LIMIT=4Gi -p VOLUME_CAPACITY=10Gi -n <projectName>
  2. Wait until the new pod is running.
  3. Access the Jenkins URL and check if jenkins is configured with our initial configuration.

Create web-hook for autobuild.

If we need to change something in the configuration, this will trigger a new build, and automatically redeploy our jenkins app.

  1. Make sure that github webhook is enabled: oc describe bc/custom-jenkins -n <projectName>
  2. Check if Webhook GitHub it's created: Webhook GitHub:URL:<secret>/github If not type the following:
  • Github: oc set triggers bc/custom-jenkins --from-github
  • Bitbucket: oc set triggers bc/custom-jenkins --from-bitbucket
  • Gitlab: oc set triggers bc/custom-jenkins --from-bitbucket
  1. Get the Secret: oc get bc/custom-jenkins -o json -n misanche-jenkins pickup the url and add it to the url in <secret>```````
  2. Go to Github -> -> Settings -> Webhooks -> Add Webhook
  • PayloadURL:<secret>/github
  • Content type: application/json
  • Secret: <secret>
  • SSL verification: enabled if certificate is ok
  • which events would you like to trigger this webhook?: Just the push event.
  1. Now if you push something to the repo a new build will be triggered.

Jenkins permissions

Openshift login plugin lets you login to Jenkins with your account on an OpenShift installation using the flag OPENSHIFT_ENABLE_OAUTH when creating the app based on jenkins-persistent template (default to true).

Role Mappings

For the admin role, the Jenkins permissions are the same permissions as those assigned to an administrative user within Jenkins

For the view role, the Jenkins permissions are: hudson.model.Hudson.READ, hudson.model.Item.READ com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider.VIEW

For the edit role, in addition to the permissions available to view: hudson.model.Item.BUILD hudson.model.Item.CONFIGURE hudson.model.Item.CREATE hudson.model.Item.DELETE hudson.model.Item.CANCEL hudson.model.Item.WORKSPACE hudson.scm.SCM.TAG jenkins.model.Jenkins.RUN_SCRIPTS

When this plugin manages authentication, the predefined admin user in the default Jenkins user database for the OpenShift Jenkins image is now ignored

Permissions for users in Jenkins can be changed in OpenShift after those users are initially established in Jenkins. The OpenShift Login plugin polls the OpenShift API server for permissions and will update the permissions stored in Jenkins for each Jenkins user with the permissions retrieved from OpenShift. Technically speaking, you can change the permissions for a Jenkins user from the Jenkins UI as well, but those changes will be overwritten the next time the poll occurs.

Best practises

Shared Libraries

To learn more about Shared Libraries, refer to this Repo

Integration tests

To guarantee the maximum security over the deployments that we make over the platform, postman has been chosen as the “designer” of the tests collections and newman as executor of those test created in the collection.

The idea is that following the API First approach that we use in the App development center of excellence, define tests in postman based on the API definition or Swagger definition.

Setup a configuration folder as defined in one of our templates:

Blue/Green Deployments

Blue-green deployment is a technique that reduces downtime and risk by running two identical production environments called Blue and Green. Jenkins Pipeline it's already prepared to allow a blue-green deployment.

Publish the images to an external registry (Nexus)

If you want to copy the images from the internal registry to the external registry like nexus, skopeo allows you to do this operation without too much effort: Requirements:

  • fromRegistryImgUrl: The url of our openshift registry and the image with tag that we want to copy
  • fromRegistryCredentials: Openshift account with image-puller permissions
  • toRegistryImgUrl: The url of the destination docker repository where the image is going to be copied.
  • toRegistryCredentials: Username:password with permissions to pushing images.
skopeo copy --src-tls-verify=false --dest-tls-verify=false --src-creds openshift:<fromRegistryCredentials> --dest-creds <toRegistryCredentials> docker://<fromRegistryImgUrl> docker://<toRegistryImgUrl>


skopeo copy --src-tls-verify=false --dest-tls-verify=false --src-creds openshift:\$(oc whoami -t) --dest-creds admin:admin123 docker://docker-registry.default.svc.cluster.local:5000/<devNamespace>/<app>:${devTag} docker://<app>:${devTag}

Store Credentials in Jenkins

To follow the best practises, don’t store the credentials in the Jenkinsfile, always try to retrieve the credentials from Jenkins.

  1. Create a username with password credential
  2. Username: openshift
  3. Password: <TOKEN>
  4. Id: <desiredCredentialId>
  5. Description: <desiredDescription>

### Do - Prefer stashing files to archiving

If you just need to share files between stages and nodes of your pipeline, you should use stash/unstash instead of archive. Stash and unstash are designed for sharing files, for example your application’s source code, between stages and nodes. Archives, on the other hand, are designed for longer term file storage (e.g., intermediate binaries from your builds).

stash excludes: "target/", name: "source"
unstash "source"

Copy the image

withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'prod-sa', passwordVariable: 'password', usernameVariable: 'username')]) {
  skopeo copy --remove-signatures
 --src-tls-verify=false --dest-tls-verify=false --src-creds openshift:\$(oc whoami -t) --dest-creds $username:$password docker://docker-registry.default.svc.cluster.local:5000/<namespaceSrc>/<app>:${desiredTag} docker://<toRegistryUrl>/<app>:${desiredTag}

### Don’t: Use input within a node block

The input element pauses pipeline execution to wait for an approval - either automated or manual. Naturally these approvals could take some time. The node element, on the other hand, acquires and holds a lock on a workspace and heavy weight Jenkins executor - an expensive resource to hold onto while pausing for input.

So, create your inputs outside your nodes. Example:

stage ("deployment") {
input "Do you approve deployment?"
   		// code


Custom configuration used with Jenkins S2i






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