Version 4.0.2 - January 4, 2015
2127 commits
to master
since this release
Features Added
- Updated localization: German.
- New localization: Russian.
- Added a preference to allow the use of the GURPS metric conversion rules from B9. This is primarily for display purposes at this point. While data entry has been allowed in varied units for quite some time now, it is still preferred that the data be entered to exactly match the rulebooks (i.e. imperial units, not metric) if you intend to share data files.
- Added a preference to allow the sheet to show total character points with or without the unspent points included.
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed resolution of skill levels from defaults to match what Sean Punch (aka Kromm) stated was the intended resolution mechanism.
Data File Changes
- Removed TL from the Naturalist skill.
- Fixed the defaults for Mechanic.
- Additions to the data files from Horror, along with miscellaneous fixes in the existing Horror entries.
- Fixed Ultra Tech Reflec and Monocrys armor.
- Added additional varieties of suppressors from High Tech.
- Fixed an incorrect cost for the Vague modifier that existed in some advantages.
- Fixed a missing skill bonus for the Flexibility advantage.
- Added some missing equipment from the Basic Set.
- Fixed many misspellings in the data files.
- Added the mutual exclusion that Combat Reflexes and Enhanced Time Sense have.
- More complete version of Enhanced Time Sense.