Releases: richardwilkes/gcs
Releases · richardwilkes/gcs
Version 4.4 - May 12, 2016
Features Added
- Added support for GURPS Calculator. Please visit for details.
Bugs Fixed
- GCS-73: Fails to detect prerequisite skills when there are multiple of different TLs.
- GCS-77: GCS self-sets as default program for .PDFs with no user input. GCS no longer registers itself as the owner for PDF documents.
- GCS-78: When navigating windows, selected entries are greyed out.
Data File Changes
- Added data files for GURPS Mysteries. Contributed by Scott Nickell.
- Added Dungeon Fantasy 2 monsters. Contributed by Ryan Sanden.
- Added spells from Bio-Tech contributed in GCS-84.
- Updated the Power Ups advantages file to include missing perks, quirks and talents, along with a few fixes. Contributed by Angel Forest.
- Miscellaneous touch-ups to the data files.
Miscellaneous Changes
- Added xsd files for the various data files. Contributed by Chris Langsenkamp.
Version 4.3 - January 22, 2016
Features Added
- GCS-26: Add link to PDFs. As part of this change, GCS now supports opening PDF files. Also as part of this change, the various export menu options have been removed. Instead, choose Save As... and then select the file type you'd like to use when saving the file.
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed a focus issue where text fields that had been changed but not moved out of (by tabbing or otherwise explicitly focusing another component) would not commit their contents.
- Lots of minor tweaks.
Data File Changes
- Sanitized the page references throughout the data files. Many thanks to Ryan Sanden for all the work necessary to make this happen.
- Minor cleanup.
Version 4.2 - December 29, 2015
Features Added
- GCS-15: Add option to display skill default used.
- GCS-50: Support manual switching of defaults as per B173. Contributed by Sebástien Wilhelmi.
Bugs Fixed
- Drag-rearrangement of tabs on Linux was not working.
- GCS-51: Skill editor drops skill points to 0 when a language that uses '.' for a numeric grouping separator is used.
- GCS-29: Too much precision in randomized height & weight.
- Updated the URLs for filing bug reports and feature requests to point to the new Jira server I'm using.
Data File Changes
- Added data files for Reign of Steel: Will to Live. Contributed by Иван Абдулин.
- GCS-41: GURPS Instant Armor. Contributed by William Morris.
- GCS-43: Decreased Basic Speed missing from Basic Advantages. Contributed by William Morris.
- GCS-42: Weapon Bond missing from Dungeon Fantasy Advantages. Contributed by William Morris.
- Added equipment from Low Tech. Contributed by William Morris.
- GCS-30: Dungeon fantasy containers don't have the correct weight limits for what they can hold. Additional fixes were made for various other incorrect entries as well. Contributed by William Morris.
- Added advantages and spells from GURPS Magic - Plant Spells. Contributed by Klara.
- Added a template to simulate the background of having gone through the German public school system. Contributed by Christian.
- Added a compilation of Low Tech equipment. Contributed by James B. Byrne.
Version 4.1.1 - July 4, 2015
Bugs Fixed
- A crash on Ubuntu 15.04 caused by that OS setting an environment variable which was injecting bad code into all Java-based apps has been fixed by forcibly removing that particular environment variable if it is present.
- Notes in templates now wrap at a reasonable width.
Data File Changes
- Fixed missing defaults in the Artist skills.
- Removed forced line wrapping in notes of various races.
Version 4.1 - April 19, 2015
Features Added
- New localization: Spanish.
- The user can now force GCS to use a specific language in its user interface by setting an environment variable named GCS_LANGUAGE to an appropriate language code. As of this point in time, GCS has translations for German (GCS_LANGAUGE=de), Russian (GCS_LANGUAGE=ru), and Spanish (GCS_LANGUAGE=es) in addition to its native American English. Using a value that is unrecognized will result in American English being used. By default (i.e. if this environment variable is not set), GCS attempts to use the default language for the system.
- Added the ability to control which direction rounding occurs for the point cost of advantages & disadvantages. The default is round up, which is the GURPS default for most things. However, there are some things, like Reputation, which explicitly state they should be rounded down. This new setting allows that.
Bugs Fixed
- Don't permit the metric rules preference to affect non-metric calculation and display of Basic Lift and Encumbrance.
- Fixed saving of Technique difficulty, which was broken by an earlier update for localization.
- If a character has multiple races, they are now added together for cost purposes, rather than just using the cost for the last one listed.
- Striking Strength is now properly accounted for when determining whether a penalty applies for not meeting the minimum required strength for a weapon.
Data File Changes
- Fixed the prerequisites for the skill Pharmacy/TL (Herbal) and the spells Geyser, Clean and Copy.
- Fixed the modifiers for the disadvantage Chronic Pain.
- Added the Tough Skin modifier to the advantage Damage Resistance.
- Fixed defaults for the skill Public Speaking.
- Marked the Reputation advantage as rounding down.
- Shields now list their attack usage as 'Shield Bash' rather than being blank.
Version 4.0.2 - January 4, 2015
Features Added
- Updated localization: German.
- New localization: Russian.
- Added a preference to allow the use of the GURPS metric conversion rules from B9. This is primarily for display purposes at this point. While data entry has been allowed in varied units for quite some time now, it is still preferred that the data be entered to exactly match the rulebooks (i.e. imperial units, not metric) if you intend to share data files.
- Added a preference to allow the sheet to show total character points with or without the unspent points included.
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed resolution of skill levels from defaults to match what Sean Punch (aka Kromm) stated was the intended resolution mechanism.
Data File Changes
- Removed TL from the Naturalist skill.
- Fixed the defaults for Mechanic.
- Additions to the data files from Horror, along with miscellaneous fixes in the existing Horror entries.
- Fixed Ultra Tech Reflec and Monocrys armor.
- Added additional varieties of suppressors from High Tech.
- Fixed an incorrect cost for the Vague modifier that existed in some advantages.
- Fixed a missing skill bonus for the Flexibility advantage.
- Added some missing equipment from the Basic Set.
- Fixed many misspellings in the data files.
- Added the mutual exclusion that Combat Reflexes and Enhanced Time Sense have.
- More complete version of Enhanced Time Sense.
Version 4.0.1 - June 13, 2014
Features Added
- Partially localized for German, courtesy of Sebi. More to come in future releases.
- Option/Alt-Right Arrow now expands the selected nodes and all of their children in the Library Explorer.
- Added a button for the removal of attacks in the editor panel.
Bugs Fixed
- Fixed an issue that was causing odd behavior when a window other than the main GCS window was focused and then the main GCS window was re-focused.
- Fix for SourceForge Bug #94: Changed the prerequisites in some data files to require the specialization of "Submachine Gun" and not "SMG", since that's what the Guns skill uses.
Miscellaneous Changes
- Revised the version checking so that older versions can now notice versions 4.0+ being available.
- The height, weight and age fields no longer show anything when a zero is entered.
- The Modifiers list in the item editor now uses the standard platform fonts rather than the fonts set for the character sheet.
- Switched the abbreviation for Metric Tons to just 't' (from 'mt').
- Added 32-bit versions of GCS for Windows and Linux. (These were back-ported for 4.0 as well)
Data File Changes
- Added some monsters/animals from the Basic Set and Magic. Contributed by Peter Thönell.