To install the latest version, add the following to the lib/bld/
For more information, please refer to the extensions and support documentation.
To compile the source code located in src/main/kotlin
and src/test/kotlin
from the current project add the following to the build file:
@BuildCommand(summary = "Compiles the Kotlin project")
public void compile() throws Exception {
new CompileKotlinOperation()
./bld compile
Please check the Compile Operation documentation for all available configuration options.
Please make sure the Kotlin compiler is installed.
The extension will look in common locations such as:
- Homebrew
- JetBrains Toolbox (IntelliJ IDEA, Android Studio)
- etc.
You can also manually configure the Kotlin home location as follows:
@BuildCommand(summary = "Compiles the Kotlin project")
public void compile() throws Exception {
new CompileKotlinOperation()
The Kotlin compiler executable can also be specified directly:
@BuildCommand(summary = "Compiles the Kotlin project")
public void compile() throws Exception {
new CompileKotlinOperation()
While older version of Kotlin are likely working with the extension, only version 1.9.25 or higher are officially supported.
There is also a Template Project with support for the Dokka and Detekt extensions.