To install the latest version, add the following to the lib/bld/
For more information, please refer to the extensions documentation.
To check all source Codecode using the Java Quickstart configuration, add the following to your build file:
@BuildCommand(summary = "Checks source code with PMD")
public void pmd() throws Exception {
new PmdOperation()
./bld pmd test
To check the main source directory using a custom ruleset, Java Error Prone configuration, and failing on any violation.
@BuildCommand(value = "pmd-main", summary = "Checks main source code with PMD")
public void pmdMain() throws Exception {
new PmdOperation()
.ruleSets("config/pmd.xml", "category/java/errorprone.xml")
./bld compile pmd-main
Please check the PmdOperation documentation for all available configuration options.