Effector is the reactive data flow management library.
A curated list of awesome effector videos, articles, packages. Russian articles, videos, and podcasts here.
Found something cool? Please, contribute!
- Effector — State Manager You Should Give a Try
- Effector: powerful and fast 5kb state manager
- Why I choose effector instead of Redux or MobX?
- Effector vs. Vuex. Which storage management is better for VueJS app?
- Using effector for api calls with svelte
- Effector beginner's guide RU
- Effector beginner's guide EN
- Effector: we need to go deeper
- Writing tiny effector from scratch
- Create Your effector-like State Manager
- The best part of Effector
- Usage with React and Typescript
- How
API works in forest - Using
with effector
- react-effector-realworld-example-app - React + effector Example App.
- React effector todo list
- process-explorer - Hierarchical system processes viewer.
- @howtocards/frontend
- accesso.app
- cardbox frontend
- http://actorsmovies.club Frontend
- react-material-ui-datatable
- mlp-ssr
- rn-ios-calc
- Easy and light Reactjs Strong Typed Notepad with effector state manager
- snake - Snake Game.
- effector comparison - Effector vs MobX vs rxjs - diamon problem (glitches).
- russia-consulate/webapp - Telegram WebApp built with
- effector-logger - Simple logger with stores inspector.
- patronum - Effector utility library delivering modularity and convenience.
- atomic-router - Simple routing implementation that provides abstraction layer instead of inline URL's and does not break your architecture.
- eslint-plugin-effector - Enforcing best practices.
- effector-factorio - The simplest way to write re-usable features with React + Effector.
- effector-hotkey - Hotkeys with Effector made easy.
- effector-localstorage - Module for effector that sync stores with localStorage.
- effector-history - Utility library that implements undo/redo feature for you.
- effector-utils - Effector utilities library.
- effector-next - Effector wrappers for Next.js.
- effector-storage - Module for Effector that sync stores with localStorage (or sessionStorage).
- forest - UI engine for web based on effector.
- @space307/effector-react-slots - Effector library for slots implementation in React.
- farfetched - The advanced data fetching tool for web applications.
- @effector/reflect - Attach effector stores to react components without hooks.
- effector-forms - Form manager for effector.
- efform - Form manager, based on effector state manager, designed to deliver high-quality DX.
- effector-react-form - Alternate form manager.
- effector SSR - SSR on React, TypeScript, Razzle and Styled.
- CRA template - Simple CreateReactApp template.
- Feature-sliced template - Basic vite.js solution template combined with React, Effector, Feature-sliced (Dockerized)