The msPAF calculator is devoloped within the project 'Kennisimpuls Watwerkwaliteit' and is the result of a collaboration between Dutch governmental bodies, Provinces, Waterboards, drinking water companies and knowledge institutes. The project is financed by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water management, STOWA, waterboards, provinces and drinkingwater companies.
The msPAFcalculator is written within R and uses Rshiny. It calculates the multiple substances potential affected fraction (msPAF), based on chemicals present in a sample. Datafiles (.csv) can be uploaded to the tool and multiple samples can be calculated at once.
The data files required to use the msPAF are not part of the GitHub version. Data can be derived from: Posthuma, L., Van Gils, J., Zijp, M.C., Van de Meent, D., De Zwart, D. (2019) Species Sensitivity Distributions for Use in Environmental Protection, Assessment, and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems for 12386 Chemicals. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Volume 38, Number 4 , pp 905-917
A working version of the msPAF calculator can be found on: