Automatic MySQL scheduled backups using Percona innobackupex (xtrabackup).
This script uses the innobackupex wrapper for xtrabackup from Percona, included in percona-xtrabackup.
Create full & incremental backups automatically, with configurable retention and compression, and optional e-mail output.
Supported MySQL distributions: MySQL, Percona Server, MariaDB
Supported Linux distributions: Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, RedHat
Dependencies: percona-xtrabackup, download from
This script has been tested on Debian 7 (Wheezy) with Percona-server 5.6.
This script has been tested on CentOS 6.4 with MariaDB-server-10.
Copy autoxtrabackup.config to /etc/default/autoxtrabackup and edit the settings
This is not mandatory, but recommended. You can also set the settings in the script directly.
Copy to /usr/local/bin/autoxtrabackup
Make it executable, and set a cronjob
The script does not provide standard output. Check /tmp/backuplog
Create incremental backups each hour, and a full backup each 24 hours. Retention set to 1 week.
- Set "hoursBeforeFull" to 24
- Set "keepDays" to 7
- Add a cronjob "0 * * * * /usr/local/bin/autoxtrabackup"
Create a full backup on Sunday, take incremental backups all other days. Keep backups for 1 month.
- Set "hoursBeforeFull" to 168
- Set "keepDays" to 31
- Create the first backup on Sunday at the desired time, let's take 23h for example
- Add a cronjob "0 23 * * * /usr/local/bin/autoxtrabackup"
Don't create incremental backups. Create a full backup every day at 23h, retention set to 1 week.
- Set "hoursBeforeFull" to 1
- Set "keepDays" to 7
- Add a cronjob "0 23 * * * /usr/local/bin/autoxtrabackup"
Incremental backups only apply to XtraDB & InnoDB tables.
Incremental backups of MyISAM tables are not possible, a full backup of such tables will be created each time.
Use "./autoxtrabackup -h" for a quick reference on how to restore backups.
For more detailed information on how to restore a backup with innobackupex, visit