c# pyats_parser This library is a workaround to use PyATS parser libraries outside PyATS workflow which consist of declaring devices in a testbed and connect to device with pyATS, execute command with pyATS and finally parse output.
With pyats_parser you just have to fill the cli return collected by NSO live status, netmiko , etc...
pip install pyats-parser
from pyats_parser import parser
show_version = """
RP/0/RSP0/CPU0:MY-DEVICE#show version
Thu Jun 24 14:25:48.716 CEST
Cisco IOS XR Software, Version 7.1.15
Copyright (c) 2013-2020 by Cisco Systems, Inc.
Build Information:
Built By : bob
Built On : Wed Apr 29 12:55:55 PDT 2020
Built Host : iox-ucs-032
Workspace : /auto/srcarchive11/prod/7.1.15/asr9k-x64/ws
Version : 7.1.15
Location : /opt/cisco/XR/packages/
Label : 7.1.15
cisco ASR9K () processor
System uptime is 1 year 6 weeks 5 days 18 hours 42 minutes
result = parser.parse(show_version,"show version","iosxr")
And you will get the structured output as a dictionary :
{'operating_system': 'IOSXR',
'software_version': '7.1.15',
'device_family': 'ASR9K',
'uptime': '1 year 6 weeks 5 days 18 hours 42 minutes'}
- Commands supported : https://pubhub.devnetcloud.com/media/genie-feature-browser/docs/#/parsers
- OS platform and model supported : https://pubhub.devnetcloud.com/media/unicon/docs/user_guide/supported_platforms.html#/
This library is inspired from : https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/ansible-pyats/blob/master/library/pyats_parse_command.py
This project is licensed to you under the terms of the Cisco Sample Code License.