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Tools to use with Diaspora

gattonero edited this page Nov 13, 2012 · 36 revisions

Links to various tools built by the community for use with Diaspora.

Browser Add-ons

Sharing extensions (instantly share on diaspora the page you're visiting)

  • Diaspora Tools - (Firefox) share webpages and images to Diaspora, translate text on Diaspora

  • Diaspora* Publisher - (Chrome) allows you to share your favorite pages with your friends; you can also select and share a specific part of the page.

  • Diaspost - (Chrome) quickly share webpages to Diaspora

  • Diaspora* Opera sharing extension (Opera) quickly share webpages to Diaspora extensions

More cool stuff (add ons to make your diaspora experience smarter)

  • D* Hide Images - (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, Opera) hides images in your stream until you choose to show them, hover to preview. (Discontinued)

  • Diaspora Tagfilter - ( Firefox with Greasemonkey ) GreaseMonkey script to filter postings in your diaspora-stream by tags. It also can replace all inline-images (except avatars) by links to those images. (Broken as of May 2012)

  • Löwenzahn - (Firefox) This addon shows a notification when you get a new Diaspora message or notification.

  • Diaspora Translate - (Firefox with Greasemonkey, Chrome) GreaseMonkey script to translate posts in your stream, also offers hiding non-ssl images.

  • Diaspora* GIF Toggler - (Chrome) Stop animated gif in your stream and toggle by clicking.

  • Diaspora* Picture Share - a modified sharing bookmarklet to quickly share pictures on Diaspora*

  • - A profile shortener so people on other pods get you on their pod and A url shortener all pod admins can use.

"Share on Diaspora" Buttons (add them to your blog or site and make sharing your posts on diaspora easier for your readers)

WordPress Plugins

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