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test #11

Workflow file for this run

name: branch deploy
# The workflow to execute on is comments that are newly created
types: [created]
# Permissions needed for reacting and adding comments for IssueOps commands
pull-requests: write
deployments: write
contents: write
checks: read
statuses: read
# branch-deploy trigger job
if: # only run on pull request comments and very specific comment body string as defined in our branch-deploy settings
${{ github.event.issue.pull_request &&
(contains(github.event.comment.body, '.deploy') ||
contains(github.event.comment.body, '.lock') ||
contains(github.event.comment.body, '.noop') ||
contains(github.event.comment.body, '.help') ||
contains(github.event.comment.body, '.wcid') ||
contains(github.event.comment.body, '.unlock')) }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
outputs: # set outputs for use in downstream jobs
continue: ${{ steps.branch-deploy.outputs.continue }}
noop: ${{ steps.branch-deploy.outputs.noop }}
deployment_id: ${{ steps.branch-deploy.outputs.deployment_id }}
environment: ${{ steps.branch-deploy.outputs.environment }}
ref: ${{ steps.branch-deploy.outputs.ref }}
comment_id: ${{ steps.branch-deploy.outputs.comment_id }}
initial_reaction_id: ${{ steps.branch-deploy.outputs.initial_reaction_id }}
actor_handle: ${{ steps.branch-deploy.outputs.actor_handle }}
# execute the branch-deploy action
- uses: github/branch-deploy@v9
id: branch-deploy
trigger: '.deploy'
skip_completing: 'true' # we will complete the deployment manually in the 'result' job
admins: 'GrantBirki'
# this effectively starts a new deployment. runway will look for this new deployment and act on it
# once runway sees this deployment, it will do what it is configured to do (by the user) and then it will complete the deployment as either a success or failure