Landing page for a fictional bank recreated with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This project's design was made available as a challenge in the Scholarship Program by Compass UOL.
- Home page
- Header
- Footer
- Frame: Hero content
- Frame: Hero background
- Frame: Cartões
- Frame: App
- Frame: Download
- Frame: Criar conta
- Contact page
- Not Found page
- Add scripts
- Store forms data locally
- Validate forms input
- Validate newsletter input
To run this project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd <file directory>
- Open
in your preferred web browser.
- Navigate to the home page to see the main content.
- Visit the contact page to get in touch with NullBank.
- If you encounter a broken link, you will be redirected to the Not Found page.