An easy way to create a help desk form to copy and paste!
I made this quick Help Desk Form to copy and paste onto any communicative platform like Slack, so that it is more efficient to type up everything and copy the whole text onto your clipboard with the questions included.
- Fill in the textboxes.
- Click on the CREATE CLIPBOARD button.
- Finally, click on the COPY button to copy the text onto your clipboard!
Once you paste your text on Slack messenger, use this following keyboard command to automatically implement the markdown formatting built in Slack:
Windows: CTRL + Shift + F
MacOS: CMD + Shift + F
Or just paste it in plain text and use your preferred app's built-in formatting options to manually edit your text there!
- Material UI
- React
- TypeScript
- Vite
If you are my cohort mate, you're welcome to fork and mess with it or improve it!
To try this code out yourself, you can simply fork and clone this repo onto your own Github account!
Make sure to do npm install
once you've fully cloned your forked repo onto your machine. Then you can mess around with it or improve it to your own liking!