date-picky is a date picker with multiple features
1. Just include date-picker.css, fonts.css, animation.css and date-pick.js to your HTML
2. Copy fonts folder to your project for custom fonts
3. Copy images folder to your project
4. Call datePick with your desired element selector
eg: $('#yourSelector').datePicky();
5. And its ready to use
You can use different features of date picker by sending an object to date picker as argument. eg:
var options = {
multipleDate : true,
minDate: '2017-03-18',
maxDate: '2017-05-28',
format : 'mm-dd-yy',
animation: 'bounceIn',
activation: 'alwaysOn',
singleCalendarMode: true,
showCurrentDate: false,
showCurrentDateButton: false,
preDates: ['2017/3/1','2017/3/15','2017/3/14'],//yyyy-mm-dd
setWeekHoliday: false,
holiday: 'saturday',
disableClickEvent : false,
disableClickToggle: true,
callback: function(date){
headingBackground: '#223922',//removed
bodyBackground: '#796423'//removed
The different types of feature are:
- _Multiple Date_
If set true you can select multiple date from date picker. By default it is enabled.
eg. __multipleDate : true__
- _Minimum Date_
If set, the date older than the minimum dates are disabled.
eg. __minDate: '2017-03-18'__ (Format yyy-mm-dd )
- _Maximum Date_
If set, the date later than the maximum dates are disabled.
eg. __maxDate: '2017-05-28'__ (Format yyy-mm-dd )
- _Date formats_
You can display different date formats by passing the format option.
The available date formats are:
1. DD/MM/YYYY (08/12/2014)
2. MM/DD/YYYY (08/24/2019)
3. DD-MM-YYYY (08-12-2014)
4. MM-DD-YYYY (08-24-2019)
5. YYYY-MM-DD (2014-12-15)
6. D MMM, YYYY (8 Feb, 2016)
7. D MMMM, YYYY (8 February, 2016)
- _Animation_
There are two animations available for datepicker from animate.css
1. __bounceIn__
2. __flipInY__
- _Heading Background color_ (currently removed)
You can change the heading background color of datepicker by passing the option.
eg. __headingBackground : your color code__
- _Body Background color_ (currently removed)
You can change the body background color of datepicker by passing the option.
(removed current)
eg. __bodyBackground : your color code__
- _Activation Option_
You can set date picker activation mode. Set alwaysOn(default) for always showing datepicker and o
nClick mode for datepicker activation on click. eg
1. __activation : alwaysOn__
2. __activation : onClick__
- _Single Calendar Mode_
If set to true you can select dates for current month only. If set false you can traverse
throught all months. By default it is disabled.
eg. __singleCalendarMode : true__
- _Show Current Date_
You can dhide current date by setting showCurrentDate to false. By default current date is shown.
eg. __showCurrentDate: false__
- _Go to current date button_
You can disable "Go to current date" button by providing parameter as. By default its enabled.
eg. __showCurrentDateButton = false__
- _Pre Dates_
You can set pre activated dates by sending in preDates options. Pre dates must be sent in array
in yyyy-mm-dd format.
eg. __preDates: ['2017-3-1','2017-3-15','2017-3-14']__
- _Pre Dates visibility_
Hide active pre dates by setting shoPreDates option to false. By default its true
eg. __showPreDates: false__
- _Disable all click events_
If set to true all click events are disabled. By default it is disabled.
eg. __disableClickEvent : false__
- _Set red color for weekend holiday_
If set to true weekend day is highlighted red. By default it is disabled.
eg. __setWeekHoliday: true__
- _Set the weekend holiday_
By default weekend holiday is sunday. If set to saturday, saturday is highlighted red.
1. __holiday: 'sunday'__
2. __holiday: 'saturday'__
- _Callback Function_
Use callback function to trigger function when clicked on any date. Callback function returns two
values i.e clicked date and array of active dates.
Usage example:
callback: function(date, activedates){
- _Default Display Month_
Default month to display when datepicker is invoked. Usage example:
__defaultViewMonth: 4__
- _Display Year_
Default year to display when datepicker is invoked. Usage example:
__defaultViewYear: 2017__
You can see demo here [Demo Page] (