- Tianjin, China
- 8h ahead - blog.samzhangjy.com
- @samzhangjy
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YAMCC Public
💥 Yet another morse code converter, but supports Unicode. 新型 Unicode 摩斯电码式解码/编码器。【附带编码逻辑】
VueBlogger Public
🎉 A light-weight blogging site for Vue.js
ObserverX Public
🤖️ Node.js framework for instantly building GPT bot applications.
logture Public
📝 A modern and light-weight personal blogging framework built with Nextjs.
cpcode Public
Code editor for competitive programming.
CookCountryWebSpider Public
The cookcountry clerk web spider, written in Python requests and BeautifulSoup4
Python UpdatedDec 8, 2022 -
OnlineStore Public
An online store built with Python and Flask
ts-json-parser Public
A JSON parser written with TypeScript type system.
new-page Public
A minimal New Tab Page built with Nextjs.
waterial-leafjs Public archive
Material 3 Web-Components.
leafjs Public
✨ A lightweight, fast web-components based frontend framework for the future.
core Public
Forked from vuejs/core🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.