This is a package that computes the pi number using various approaches. The codes are implemented by Muhammad Hammad and Sharareh Sayyad.
To run all tests, use sh
or make the bash script executable using chmod+x
To run all implementations, use sh
Demonstration of the methods and analyzing their performance is presented in a Jupyter notebook in the example
Our methods for evaluating polygons
, Monte Carlo algorithm
, the continued-fraction approach
, Ramanujan's formula
, Leibniz formula
, Chudnovsky formula
, Bailey–Borwein–Plouffe formula (BBP) fromula
, Gauss-Legendre algorithm
and Nilakantha series
. The implementation is in PIapprox directory.
Class for types of outputs
Class for approximations of pi
In summary, the project consists of the following components:
• Classes that approximate numbers.
• Methods that rely on these classes to approximate pi.
• An automated test suite forFloatNumber, RationalNumber and FixedPrecision.
• A Jupyter notebook that explains the methods and the comparison.