pizzaCatcherJS is a color detecting webcam game that allows people to interact with their computers and catch pizza thrown to them by our good friend Ming (it's an inside joke). It was built using Node, jQuery and a motion/color detecting library called tracking.js. It was made as a project for a hacakthon at Fullstack Acadmey. The game is deployed and viewable at
Follow these steps to get the game running on your machine
This guide assumes that you have Node (and npm) installed. If you don't, you can get it here:
Setup is easy, in the project directory run
npm install
then, to start the server run
npm start
and connect to localhost:8080
You will need a pink sticker like the one located below (or a pink post-it note). This is what you will be catching the pizza with!
Our test suite features testing for the routing and frontend. On the frontend, we test our jQuery for expected behavior, and also test specific actions of out libraries and modules. All tests are run via
npm test
pizzaCatcherJS is deployed on Heroku with minimal additional configuration. The .profile file and install scripts are written to handle deployment.