MyCapytain is a python library which provides a large set of methods to interact with Text Services API such as the Canonical Text Services, the Distributed Text Services. It also provides a programming interface to exploit local textual resources developed according to the Capitains Guidelines.
The following code and example is badly displayed at the moment on Github. We recommend you to go to
On Leipzig DH Chair's Canonical Text Services API, we can find the Epigrammata of Martial. This texts are identified by the identifier "urn:cts:latinLit:phi1294.phi002.perseus-lat2". We want to have some information about this text so we are gonna ask the API to give its metadata to us :
from MyCapytain.resolvers.cts.api import HttpCtsResolver
from MyCapytain.retrievers.cts5 import CTS
from MyCapytain.common.constants import Mimetypes
# We set up a resolver which communicates with an API available in Leipzig
resolver = HttpCtsResolver(CTS(""))
# We require some metadata information
textMetadata = resolver.getMetadata("urn:cts:latinLit:phi1294.phi002.perseus-lat2")
# Texts in CTS Metadata have one interesting property : its citation scheme.
# XmlCtsCitation are embedded objects that carries information about how a text can be quoted, what depth it has
print(type(textMetadata), [ for citation in textMetadata.citation])
This query will return the following information :
<class 'MyCapytain.resources.collections.cts.Text'> ['book', 'poem', 'line']
# Now, we want to retrieve the first line of poem seventy two of the second book
passage = resolver.getTextualNode("urn:cts:latinLit:phi1294.phi002.perseus-lat2", subreference="2.72.1")
# And we want to have its content exported to plain text and have the siblings of this passage (previous and next line)
print(passage.export(Mimetypes.PLAINTEXT), passage.siblingsId)
And we will get
Hesterna factum narratur, Postume, cena
If you want to play more with this, like having a list of what can be found in book three, you could go and do
poemsInBook3 = resolver.getReffs("urn:cts:latinLit:phi1294.phi002.perseus-lat2", subreference="3")
Which would be equal to :
['3.1', '3.2', '3.3', '3.4', '3.5', '3.6', '3.7', '3.8', '3.9', '3.10', '3.11', '3.12', '3.13', ...]
Now, it's your time to work with the resource ! See the CapiTainS Classes page on ReadTheDocs to have a general introduction to MyCapytain objects !
The best way to install MyCapytain is to use pip. MyCapytain tries to support Python over 3.4.
The work needed for supporting Python 2.7 is mostly done, however, since 2.0.0, we are giving up on ensuring that MyCapytain will be compatible with Python < 3 while accepting PR which would help doing so.
pip install MyCapytain
If you prefer to use, you should clone and use the following
git clone
cd MyCapytain
python install