This starter kit aims to be a very minimalistic boilerplate to quickly get started with fullstack dapp development with Hardhat and The Graph.
- ✅ Using PNPM workspaces
- ✅ Hardhat Typescript project
- ✅ Subgraph generation with [@graphprotocol/hardhat-graph]
- ✅ Local development with local hardhat node and a graph-node connected to it
- 🛠 Frontend
- Clone the repo
- Install dependencies:
pnpm install
- Terminal 1: Run local dev environment:
pnpm dev
- Terminal 2: Deploy contract & subgraph:
pnpm quickstart
- Navigate to http://localhost:8000/subgraphs/name/mynft/graphql to explore the newly deployed subgraph
- Terminal 2: Run the frontend:
pnpm frontend:dev
- Navigate to http://localhost:3000/
- Connect your MetaMask to the local hardhat node
- Import the private key of some accounts in MetaMask
- Mint some NFTs
- Deploy the contracts:
pnpm contracts:deploy
- Deploy the subgraph:
pnpm subgraph:deploy
- Cleanup database:
pnpm clean
curl --location --request POST 'localhost:8545/' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
Graph Node caches the genesis hash of the blockchain and also some data. If the local hardhat chain is restarted, this changes and can lead to problems and the Graph Node is not starting.
- Log entires like:
ERRO the genesis block hash for chain localhost has changed from bad817bf8af7290df9cb9e829980994c499b8317549874293f0e18dcc27a7dad to 0x5452afcffdfeb2cbe0d72e23a3b622f455ed4a0acdaadc08490b90951794eb46 since the last time we ran, component: BlockStore
andERRO Not starting block ingestor (chain is defective), network_name: localhost
- Block query stays on 0:
_meta {
block {
- Stop the docker compose (^C)
- Run
pnpm clean
- Restart local dev environment:
pnpm dev
- Redeploy everything:
pnpm quickstart
After running pnpm dev
in /frontend the following error
Module not found: Can't resolve 'fs'
Rebuild the Graph Client
cd frontend && pnpm graphclient:build
pnpm hardhat fund 0xa85D5BEe27EC7f436A06634Fe6D2A8c3477Eb6C5 --network localhost
- Live queries:
Does not seem to workWorks now after restart Next server- Can we have a trigger to refresh? Usually it is watching in the front-end for an event or when accounts change.
- Query result from URQL is not typed :(
- Resolver type errors
- Move common additional resolvers like _ethereum, connect, etc to external repo/plugin
- Urlq vs Apollo vs React Query?