A library for benchmarking gleam code.
import gleamy/bench
// ...
bench.Input("pre-sorted list", list.range(1, 100_000)),
bench.Input("reversed list", list.reverse(list.range(1, 100_000))),
[bench.Function("list.sort()", sort_int)],
[bench.Duration(1000), bench.Warmup(100)],
|> bench.table([bench.IPS, bench.Min, bench.P(99)])
|> io.println()
A benchmark is defined by giving a list of inputs and a list of functions to run on those inputs. Each input + function combination will be timed.
The given inputs should all be the same type, and the functions should all accept that type as the only argument.
The run
function actually runs the benchmark and collects the results. It also accepts a list of options to change default behaviour, for example Duration(1000)
is used to change how long each function is run repeatedly when collecting results (in milliseconds). This list is optional and can be empty if you have no need to change the defaults.
The table
function makes a table out of the results. You can choose the list of statistics you would like to include in the table.
The output for this example looks like the following.
Input Function IPS Min P99
pre-sorted list list.sort() 37.8532 22.4190 31.3593
reversed list list.sort() 34.0101 27.0734 31.0618
Sometimes you need to do some additional setup before you can call your function, instead of having it called directly with the input data. For this use case you can use bench.SetupFunction
SetupFunction(label: String, setup_function: fn(a) -> fn(a) -> b)
The setup function is executed once at the start of the run, and should return the function that will be benchmarked. Both the setup function and the benchmark function will be passed the input data.
For example, you might be testing the speed of a certain operation on a range of data structures. To do this you will need to create each data structure beforehand with the given input data so you can run the operation on it.
bench.Input("100", list.range(1, 100)),
bench.Input("1000", list.reverse(list.range(1, 1000))),
bench.SetupFunction("dict.get", fn(items) {
// This section will not be measured in the benchmark.
// We fill a dictionary with the input items to use later.
let d = list.fold(items, dict.new(), fn(d, i) {
dict.insert(d, i, i)
// The returned function will be measured for the benchmark.
// It tries to "get" each item in the input from the dictionary.
fn(items) {
list.each(items, fn(i) { dict.get(d, i) })
// ...
[bench.Duration(1000), bench.Warmup(100)],
Suggestions and pull requests are welcome!
This package can be added to your Gleam project:
gleam add gleamy_bench
and its documentation can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/gleamy_bench.