Hi, I'm Chirag Sharma a self-taught programmer. Currently I am as Senior Developer @Wasserstoff. I am a Full-Stack Developer with a passion for building and deploying highly scalable, performant and fast web applications.
- Programming Languages: Typescript, Rust
- Frameworks & Libraries: React Native, NextJS, NodeJS, Prisma, ReactJS
- Tools & Platforms: AWS, MongoDB, Docker, DevOps, Git, RabbitMQ, Redis, CI/CD
- Wasserstoff LinkedIn
- iQueue 365 LinkedIn
- Himtour Holidays
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- iCompile
- InstaClone GitHub
- WatchList
- Practicle-File
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: +91 70186-22142
- Location: Hamirpur (HP), India
- Portfolio: www.devcase.in
- GitHub: scyther
- LinkedIn: scyther37