Source code for Bluetooth Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) using only communication with local bluetooth radio through driver (using IOCTL). This DLL does not use any Windows Bluetooth api (bluetoothapis.h).
- at least Visual studio 2019
- Windows 10
- Windows 7 (not tested yet)
- Bluetooth USB dongle or integrated Bluetooth radio (laptop)
- Currently you can use only x64 version of DLL (REASON: empty pointer to function)
- download this project from Github
- open it
- set x64 or x86 (it must be the same as app which will be using it)
- build it
- in main folder you will get ioctl_data.h
- in ..\x64\Debug you will find SDP_data.lib and SDP_data.dll (for X64)
- in ..\Debug you will find SDP_data.lib and SDP_data.dll (for X86)
Here you can get details explanations of used structures of exported data.
DLL have next functions:
- int connectToDevice(const wchar_t* name, DEFAULT_DATA& dd)
connecting to local bluetooth radio before any search/retriving data is made
input parameters:
- physical device name (example: \\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\USBPDO-4)
- reference to DEFAULT_DATA structure
- int closeConnectionToDevice(DEFAULT_DATA& dd)
disconnection from local radio (THIS MUST BE CALLED BEFORE APP IS CLOSED!!!)
input parameters:
- reference to DEFAULT_DATA structure
- int SDPsearch(DEFAULT_DATA& dd, char address[])
search for service of specific device
input parameters:
- reference to DEFAULT_DATA structure
- remote Bluetooth device address
- int getBthDeviceInfo(DEFAULT_DATA& dd, int print = 1)
retriving list of cached bluetooth devices from previous search
input parameters:
- reference to DEFAULT_DATA structure
- integer as a flag for printing data in cmd (default: true)
- int getLocalBthInfo(DEFAULT_DATA& dd, int print = 1)
information about the local Bluetooth system and radio
input parameters:
- reference to DEFAULT_DATA structure
- integer as a flag for printing data in cmd (default: true)
- void printErrorMessage(DWORD id, DEFAULT_DATA& dd)
print error message
input parameters:
- id of error (example: from GetLastError function)
- reference to DEFAULT_DATA structure
- stdio.h
- vector
- iostream
- winsock2.h
- bthdef.h
- bthioctl.h
Before you can use this dll file, you must add to your app:
- header:
#include "ioctl_data.h"
- .lib file:
#pragma comment(lib, "SDP_data.lib")
- .dll file:
Add SDP_data.dll into folder where .exe of app will be
- debug
if you set this to 1 you will get printed raw data from bluetooth response
default_data.sdp_settings.debug = 1;
you will get printed all parsed data of every attribute of the searched service and also override every flag in SDP_print_service structure
default_data.sdp_settings.print = 1;
- print_info
print events when is app connected to radio, remote device, disconnected from remote device, local radio
default_data.sdp_settings.print_info = 1;
- print_service flags
here you can enable/disable printing of particular attribute of the searched service (NOTE: only if print is disabled!!)
- print_with_outside_funct
here you enable printing with your own function saved in outside_print_function parameter
- all
set every attribute to TRUE (NOTE: override other flags)
- Default and service specific attributes
here you can enable/disable searching for attributes (NOTE: only if all flag is disabled)
here you can enable/disable service to search (NOTE: disabled by default)
Containe all next structures and functions
- services_for_search
here you can enable/disable which service will be searched on remote device
- exported_data
here you get exported all data from:
- searched service/services
- cached bluetooth remote devices
- data of local radio/device
- sdp_settings
here you can enable/disable:
- debug (DEFAULT: disabled)
- print data (NOTE: printing all attributes of the service) (DEFAULT: disabled)
- printf_info (DEFAULT: disabled)
- printing only selected attribute from searched device (NOTE: only if print is disabled) (DEFAULT: disabled)
- attr_search_for_service
here you can enable/disable every attribute in service to search it
For every use you must:
- before any call define default data structure
- Connect to local bluetooth radio
int connected = IOCTL_S::connectToDevice(L"\\?\GLOBALROOT\Device\USBPDO-5", &dd);
- Disconnection from local radio (NOTE: it must be done this at the end of everything)
- use steps from Notes (step 1 and 2)
- Settings
// example of outside function (user defined)
void test(std::string text, ...)
std::cout << "> " << text << std::endl;
dd.outside_print_function = test; // saving to function pointer, dll will use this pointer
dd.sdp_settings.print_with_outside_funct = 1; // enabling this pointer function
// printing all searched device attributes
dd.sdp_settings.print = 1;
// printing debug data (responses in bytes)
dd.sdp_settings.debug = 1;
// enabling to print goepl2cappsm attribute for MAP service (NOTE: used only when MAP service is searched)
dd.sdp_settings.print_service.print_MAP_attributes.print_goepl2cappsm = 1;
// enabling to print service_record of current searched service (NOTE: only if dd.sdp_settings.print is disabled)
dd.sdp_settings.print_service.print_service_record = 1;
// enable all services for searching
// those two functions are recommended if you are not using set_all_SDP_service_for_search or dd.attr_search_for_service.all
dd.reset_SDP_service_for_search(); // reseting to false all services for searching
dd.reset_attr_search_for_service(); // reseting to false all attributes for searching
// enabling to search goepl2cappsm attribute for MAP service (NOTE: used only when MAP service is searched)
dd.attr_search_for_service.att_MAP.Goepl2cappsm = 1;
// enabling to search service_record of current enabled service
dd.attr_search_for_service.ServiceRecord = 1;
// enabling AudioSource service for searching
dd.services_for_search.AudioSource = 0x01;
- calling SDPsearch after all settings are ready
// bluetooth device address
char add[] = "A8:B8:6E:E7:5A:B6";
// calling SDPsearch function
IOCTL_S::SDPsearch(&dd, add);
- retriving exported data from searched services/attributes
// For example service name of Audio source
SDP::A2DP::A2DP_EXPORT* ex = (SDP::A2DP::A2DP_EXPORT_S*)dd.exported_data.a2dp_export;
printf("--> %s\n", ex->default_export->service_name_handle_export->VALUE.service_name);
- use last step from Notes
- use steps from Notes (step 1 and 2)
- call
// currently all devices will be printed
// currently all devices will not be printed
IOCTL_S::getBthDeviceInfo(&dd, 0);
- retriving of exported data
// retriving and printing number of devices
printf("---> num: %d\n", dd.exported_data.devices->numOfDevices);
// for loop of all devices and retriving and printing device name
for (int n = 0; n < dd.exported_data.devices->numOfDevices; n++)
printf("%s\n", dd.exported_data.devices->;
- use last step from Notes
- use steps from Notes (step 1 and 2)
- call
// by default print is TRUE
// printing is disabled
IOCTL_S::getLocalBthInfo(&dd, 0);
- retriving of exported data
printf("--> %s\n", dd.exported_data.local_device_radio->device->name);
- use last step from Notes
- export to JSON (as string and as file)
- export to XML (as string and as file)
- fixing bugs