118 commits
to main
since this release
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Packages Published
Internal PRs
PR | Title | Author | Affected Destinations | Requires Push | Requires Registration |
#2643 | [SendGrid Lists] - Sendgrid lists changes | @joe-ayoub-segment | sendgrid-audiences, twilio-messaging | No | No |
#2641 | [sendgrid] - updates based on customer feedback | @joe-ayoub-segment | sendgrid | Yes | No |
#2640 | TikTok - STRATCONN-5346 - changing default object UI view for content field | @joe-ayoub-segment | tiktok-conversions, tiktok-offline-conversions | No | No |
#2627 | remove batch size limit and use buffers | @peterdemartini | s3 | Yes | No |
#2607 | [Klaviyo] |Add MultistatusResponse to RemoveProfile and RemoveProfilefromList | @Innovative-GauravKochar | klaviyo | Yes | No |
#2526 | [STRATCONN-4294] | Add MultiStatusResponse to AddProfileToList of Klaviyo. | @Innovative-GauravKochar | klaviyo | No | No |