Releases: seleniumhq-community/htmlunit-remote
Releases · seleniumhq-community/htmlunit-remote
Upgrade to Selenium 4.25.0; add JavaDoc
In this release, we upgraded to the latest release of Selenium and HtmlUnitDriver (version 4.25.0). We also added detailed JavaDoc to the HtmlUnitDriverServer class. This documentation can server as a handy reference to the W3C WebDriver interface.
Upgrade to Selenium 4.23.0; apply minor updates and bug fixes
In this release, I upgraded the Selenium version to 4.23.0.
In the process of testing this upgrade, I encountered test failures that led to the discovery of a few issues:
- The JSON converter that deserializes web service responses chained to its super-class when it encountered an Interaction object instead of returning the object as it should.
- I had failed to add clean-up code to close the browser session at the end of each test.
- The height value for elements changed from