Dockerized Node.js Wordlist Analysis Service
This project provides a Dockerized service with enhanced capabilities for performing complex word analysis tasks. It features API endpoints for uploading wordlists and crawling textual content from specified URLs to identify valid subsequences within a given wordlist.
Word Analysis Logic as originally described:
Subsequence Definition A "subsequence" of a word is a sequence that can be derived from the original word by deleting some or no characters without altering the order of the remaining characters. For instance, "win" is a subsequence of "window", whereas "wdw" is not.
Valid Subsequence Criteria A subsequence is deemed "valid" if it meets the following criteria:
It is included in the provided wordlist. It complies with the specified word length. It maintains the character order of the original word. The final 1-character word in any valid sequence must be either 'A' or 'I'. API Endpoints
Upload a Wordlist Endpoint: /api/upload Functionality: This endpoint allows for the upload of a wordlist or the provision of a wordlist URL. The service analyzes each word to find valid subsequences that match a specified length and are part of the wordlist. Parameters: wordlist: A .txt file containing the wordlist (for file upload). url: The URL from which to fetch the wordlist (as a JSON body field, alternative to file upload). wordLength (query parameter): Specifies the length of words to be analyzed from the wordlist. Crawl Words from URL Endpoint: /api/crawl Functionality: The service crawls the specified URL for words, compares them against the provided wordlist, and identifies valid subsequences. Parameters: wordlist: A .txt file containing the wordlist (for file upload). url (form-data field): The target URL to crawl for words. wordLength (form-data field): Specifies the desired length for subsequence analysis.
Testing with Postman. To test the endpoints using Postman, set the method to POST and use the respective URLs:
For the /api/upload endpoint, use http://localhost:3000/api/upload?wordLength=<desired_length>. You can either attach a wordlist file or provide a wordlist URL in the request body as JSON (e.g., {"url": ""}). For the /api/crawl endpoint, use http://localhost:3000/api/crawl. Include the url and wordLength as form-data fields along with the wordlist file upload, if using file upload. This updated README reflects the latest functionalities of your service, including the new option to accept a wordlist from a URL and the clarified word analysis logic. Make sure to adjust any specific instructions or URLs to fit your actual service configuration and endpoint definitions.