*Stamp is library for automating the email template workflow using Jade and Gulp in unison.
Gulp as a preprocessor
gulp-jade: html template engine
gulp-postcss: css post processor
gulp-inline-css: inlines styles from an external stylesheet
gulp-inline-source: embeds styles from an external stylesheet
gulp-html2txt: converts compiled html templates into txt versions
Jade as an HTML compiler
Jade was chosen for Stamp because it provides a level of inheritance perfect for sharing markup and characteristics between several templates.
Postcss as a CSS post processor
Postcss was chosen for Stamp because it can serve as a simple, yet flexible, tool that will evolve with the needs of each individual template.
##Hierarchical Structure
Stamp is structured to provide multiple levels of shared characteristics while still allowing for the author to individualize each email template.
###Global Level
- Solves various issues prevelant in email clients.
- Sets up the ability for full column table rows on small screens.
- Provides a system for showing and hiding content.
- Contains the head section of every email template.
###Template Level
- Provides a build system that can support multiple templates.
- Provides a template for all pages pertaining to that template.
- Contains styles that are more focused on design rather than solving email client quirks.
- Can override the title element from the global level.
###Pages Level
- Can override any blocks on the template level.
- Houses content for each individual page.
- Can override the title element from the template level.
##Solved Email Client Quirks
- Prevent link appearance on data-like content in apple clients.
- Prevent odd image scaling in outlook.
- Prevent images from stretching vertically.
- Prevent odd borders from showing around linked images.
- Prevent text from scaling oddly in some clients.
- Columns not being styled properly in some clients.
- Ensure that the strong element is bolded in all clients.
- Typography not properly inherited in gmail.