#odx - Officedrop Sync for Unix ##Install
Require Oracle/Sun JVM 5 or 6
curl -O http://www.hashcode.eti.br/downloads/odx/odx-base-1.1.jar
alias odx="java -cp $PWD/odx-base-1.1.jar net.hashcode.fsw.Main"
##Getting started After install odx go to a directory and so init current directory to be synced
odx init
Set your username, password and email
odx set auth.username username333
odx set auth.password mypassword33
odx set auth.email [email protected]
By default odx uses https://www.officedrop.com
if you want use other server set it by
odx set remote.server https://yourserver.com
For existing user, you can just test authentication by
odx authenticate
For new ones
odx signup
#Synchronous mode
Just use command mount
odx mount
It will listen by local and remote changes. You can see in STDOUT
odx working
# Pulling
# [https://www.paperporttest.com] Checking revision 3604726230
# Remote changes (3) revision 83ac03b1a324968df1c3773c9acd292d
# [Removed] [8debb9154d21e0c5084487f7e1f96657] D /config
# [Removed] [9391a263bf2832b69ea00baf3aa9ff91] F /config/logging.yml
# [Removed] [b5ddcede67e134472d8f49d3352e340d] F /config/elasticsearch.yml
# Current revision 83ac03b1a324968df1c3773c9acd292d
# [Synced ] [6666cd76f96956469e7be39d750cc7d9] D /
# [Synced ] [0e62afc91abe157ef67895cca0a7f912] D /logs
# [Synced ] [2504fb4332d6678b6822121e81f42b65] F /logs/officedrop.log.2012-03-06
# [Synced ] [62d21a7b6cc038c090a366c8db665369] F /logs/od.log.2012-02-01
# [Synced ] [75577d72dcc5dcf35dd4a9125b26ec96] F /logs/officedrop_index_search_slowlog.log
# [Synced ] [7ec5c9b823dcc729e53fbdcfeb8e400c] F /logs/officedrop.log
# [Synced ] [80daff07321249a46b8899782767852c] F /logs/od.log
# [Synced ] [a1db20233c10b95dfbdfdeca2bafd556] F /logs/od_index_search_slowlog.log
# [Synced ] [af437ae5d2349610683d5102e82bd382] F /logs/officedrop.log.2012-03-02
# [Synced ] [ce5e5a09469eb83d161461dac3946e4a] F /logs/od.log.2012-02-29
# [https://www.paperporttest.com] Deleting [8debb9154d21e0c5084487f7e1f96657] D /config
# Current revision 6f3c28b0531655e67b231ae037b458dc
# [Sync status or servername] [fkey or action] [D=Directory, F=File] <relative/server path>
#Asynchronous mode
###Getting new changes from remote server
odx pull
###Pushing all changes to remote server
odx push
###Push only changes from a directory
odx push mydirectory
odx sync
###Getting current status
odx status
###Public Share
odx share mydir/myfile.pdf
It will show the shared url, like this
Shared link -> "https://www.paperport.com/ze/guest/public/1aee067f5508b51d2a98d00befc2c8c914ef6185"
###Searching (online)
odx search "invoice 2012"
It will list synced files matched with "invoice 2012"
Searching for 'invoice 2012'
[4141532071a4c6939488d6d5a60d7684] F /documents/2012/invoice 22 - 2012.pdf
[8737e439620f57f64f3eed4684569992] F /documents/2012/invoice 23 - 2012.pdf
odx help
usage: odx <command>
init Create base configuration to sync current directory.
set <key> <value> Set configuration. It need two arguments.
signup Sign up new user. I need auth.* values be set before signup
authenticate Authenticate.
status Get status of current directory.
pull Get current revision from server and apply it locally.
push Push all local changes to remote server.
push <dir> Push changes from a specific directory to remote server.
share <file|dir> Share a file already pushed.
search <keywords> Search all documents, limited by 200.
sync Sync, pull and push command, it also cache current revision.
mount Start sync as daemon. It will listen remote and local change and sync the system when needed.
#Advanced user
You can edit setting on .odx/config
username = shairon
password = toledo
email = [email protected]
folder = /foo
server = https://www.officedrop.com
tty = false