"require": {
"adamilleriam/userization" : "0.3.*"
"type": "git",
"url": "https://github.com/adamilleriam/userization.git"
and add this line in config/app.php providers array
Now Run composer update
After complete composer update please Run :::: php artisan vendor:publish --provider="adamilleriam\userization\userizationServiceProvider"
Run "composer dump-autoload"
Package has a config file in config folder. The name of this file is userization.php First have to add master_template and content_area with master template location and content area name. Then add per_page field for pagination.
register this line in app/Http/kernel.php "routeMiddleware" section
Add this file to composer autoload "autoload": { "files": ["app/Http/UserizationHelper.php"] },
Before run "php artisan migrate" please add a user id in userization config file. Provided user will get all privilege in authorization. Then run
#####"php artisan migrate --path=database/migrations/userization"
Please add middleware called 'userization' in your route group
add role button on user list page
- Route = role_user.index (send with user id)
- URL = role_user/{user_id}
- role
- permission
Extra fretures are here
It's a global function. it take two parameter. first one is required and second one is optional.
- First Parameter => send uri or route
Ex. canViewButton('permission/create');
- Second Parameter => type is it URI or Route. default is URI. if you send route then you have to mention it.
- if you want to ignore a route just add ::: 'ignore'=>'ignore' in your route. Then this route always ignored by userization package
- If you want you can add title for every route that how a general user can understand what actually he permitted.
- Bootstrap
- Jquery
- Laravel Collective (https://laravelcollective.com/docs/5.0/html)
- Font Awesome (https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/4.7.0/css/font-awesome.min.css)
- Please don't use few route in your route file. Those routes are booked by Userization package.
- role
- permission
- role_user