M101JS: MongoDB for Node.js Developers. FINAL PROJECT (EXAM).
Final: Lab 0 Gray Hooded Sweatshirt
Final: Lab 1 MongoDB the Definitive Guide Scaling MongoDB Leaf Sticker
Final: Lab 2 All products in two different categories match the query "stick"
Final: Lab 3 The MongoDB Umbrella (Brown) has an average of four stars from its reviews. The timestamp for review specifies year, month, day, hour, minute, and second the The Track Jacket item view shows an average of three stars based on three reviews.
Final: Lab 4 this.db.collection("item").updateOne({ "_id": itemId }, { $push: {"reviews": reviewDoc} }, function (err, result) { assert.equal(err, null);callback(result); });
Final: Lab 5 Less than $400