I'm Shehab, a Skilled Software Engineer with focus on Backend Engineering and Software Architecture.
I write weekly posts on my newsletter The Proactive Engineer

I'm Shehab, a Skilled Software Engineer with focus on Backend Engineering and Software Architecture.
I write weekly posts on my newsletter The Proactive Engineer
100 code exercises and 20+ coding challenges designed to accompany The Python Programmer Udemy course 🐍
Simple example of adopting repository-service pattern with CRUD operations on a MySQL db in Go
OS Project: Sleeping Teaching Assistant using mutex locks and semaphores.
Using the UNIX sockets and UDP to implement a request-reply protocol in a distributed system.
Amr-Tracker: [Computer Vision Project] is a program that detects Hands in a ROI (lower 2/3) of the frame, masks out the background using our color-space for the skin tone. After masking out, it dra…