x Questions will be given on the day of the test.
Pick question according to your roll number: for e.g if x=4 and last three digit of your roll no are 123 then your question no is (1+2+3)%4 = 2
Name: Roll No: SAPID: Batch: Question Assigned:
Use proper coding ethics.
Use Package.
Use Access Modifiers Properly.
Different file for each class.
Folder hierachy: src/com/bao/<your_roll_no>/<your_class.java> bin/com/bao/<your_roll_no>/<your_class.class>
To do all above Code in Eclipse and commit in your own repository you pulled earlier.
Raise a merge request(thru github webpage) to me and add screenshot of output withit.
Request should be raised within Lab timing. i.e
# B4 BAO - 15 April 2019 11:30-13:30Hrs # B3 BAO - 16 April 2019 09:30-11:30Hrs # B3 OGI - 17 April 2019 09:30-11:30Hrs MAX Allowable time with marks deduction is 1 Hour.
All the Best!!