Exposed extension to add limited support of composite primary and foreign keys.
Based on exposed-dao source code with added support of composite primary keys.
Use in you maven or gradle project
This extension supports only one specific subset of composite keys. This library can help you if you have composite primary keys, constructed of two parts: constant classifier ID and variable main ID. Classifier ID cannot be generated by the database, so you must provide it every time you create or search an entity.
If you refer another composite entity, you should refer only variable ID column. Classifier ID column will be referenced implicitly during reference resolution process.
object BaseCompositeTable : LongLongIdTable("base_table", "const_id", "gen_id") {
val data = text("some_data")
object ReferencedCompositeTable: LongLongIdTable("second_table", "const_id", "gen_id") {
val data = text("some_data")
val base = reference("base_ref",
object BackReferencedCompositeTable: LongLongIdTable("list_table", "const_id", "ref_gen_id") {
init {
val value = varchar("value", 100)
class ListEntity(id: CompositeEntityID<Long, Long>): LongLongEntity(id) {
companion object: LongLongEntityClass<ListEntity>(BackReferencedCompositeTable)
var value by BackReferencedCompositeTable.value
class BaseEntity(id: CompositeEntityID<Long, Long>): LongLongEntity(id) {
companion object: LongLongEntityClass<BaseEntity>(BaseCompositeTable)
var data by
val list by ListEntity referrersOn
class ReferencedEntity(id: CompositeEntityID<Long, Long>): LongLongEntity(id) {
companion object: LongLongEntityClass<ReferencedEntity>(ReferencedCompositeTable)
var base by BaseEntity referencedOn ReferencedCompositeTable.base
var data by