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Greg Kasprowicz edited this page Dec 24, 2024 · 84 revisions

Following is a table of hardware in the Sinara project along with development status. Development status is tracked for both the hardware and hardware-enabling firmware/software.

Hardware Status

Background on the Sinara development process is helpful to understand the hardware status flags. New Sinara hardware progresses through several development steps. Refer to the Sinara Style Guide for additional details.

  • The proponent of the new hardware initiates a request for comment (RFQ) at Sinara meta Issues.
    • Advertise the RFQ at M-Labs Forum, email, twitter, etc.
    • In consult with respondents to the RFQ the proponent chooses a hardware project name.
  • The Warsaw team typically leads the PCB layout and modeling work. The Warsaw team also creates new Sinara project repositories upon request and can grant write access to the sinara-hw GitHub organization.
  • The proponent creates a new high-level wiki page, inserts a link into the sidebar and add an entry on the Sinara Hardware Status page
  • The hardware status is
    1. RFQ request for comments
    2. design review community is reviewing schematics and layout tagged as a Revision Candidate (eg Thermostat releases); discussion and bug reports take place in Issues at the hardware repository (e.g. Thermostat Issues)
    3. prototype prototype has been produced and is being tested by proponent; if bugs are found the design is edited and status reverts to (ii)
    4. production hardware is sufficiently bug-free to be produced in volume
    5. discontinued

WARNING Just because Sinara hardware status is Production does not imply that the firmware/software is stable and recommended for routine use. See Firmware/Software status column.

Firmware/Software Status

The development of software and firmware to support the configuration and operation of Sinara hardware is tightly coupled to hardware development, but it is considered a logically distinct effort as there may be several software drivers targeting a hardware design. For example, Booster has open and restricted-source firmware. As such the software and firmware development is pursued in separate git repositories, not in the Sinara hardware repositories. Links to the corresponding software/firmware are provided in the hardware project wiki page for each project (eg Thermostat firmware is here).

Types of firmware/software support

  • Some Sinara hardware requires no firmware or software.

  • Some Sinara hardware designs are stand-alone with respect to ARTIQ. They may require software and firmware for full functionality.

  • Some Sinara hardware is supported by software/firmware elements that enable tight integration with ARTIQ. For instance, Kali operation with ARTIQ depends on Migen, MiSOC and ARTIQ integrations.

Status labels

  • none required indicates that there is no software/firmware required nor any Migen, MiSOC or ARTIQ integration
  • development indicates that the software/firmware is under development
  • testing the software/firmware is available but not yet stable
  • stable indicates that there is a stable release which is suitable for routine laboratory use; still, not every bug may be squashed so take a look at open Issues to better understand the status (eg M-Labs Thermostat firmware Issues)
  • NA indicates not applicable

DIOT Status

DIOT is a new form factor for Sinara 3U hardware that includes standardized geometry and backplane. The backplane is thought to be an improvement over the ribbon cables that implement EEM. You can read more about this in an ECTI 2023 poster and here. We are working hard to convert most of the EEM modules to DIOT, and this process will be completed in Q1 2025.

EEM/DIOT boards

Board name Board description HW Status Firmware/Software Status DIOT
1 Kasli 3U Artix FPGA and up to 8 extension modules production stable Replaced by Kasli-DIOT
2 Kasli-SOC ZynQ 7 version of Kasli controller production testing Replaced by CERN System Board
3 Kasli CPCIS adapter DIOT 220mm adapter for Kasli proto working, replaced by KASLI-DIOT none required NA
4 Kasli-DIOT ZynQ 7 version of Kasli controller Proto testing Yes, testing
5 x86 Kasli controller x86 SMARC mezzanine for Kasli-DIOT prototype testing RnD Yes, testing
6 STM System Board Low cost STM32 DIOT system board proto tests RnD Yes, testing
7 VHDCI Carrier VHDCI carrier for 8 3U modules production stable NA
8 DIO-RJ45 3U module - 4x RJ45 connectors each with 4 LVDS bidir ports production stable Yes, testing
9 DIO_SMA 3U module with 8 SMA and LVTTL@50Ohm production stable Yes, 16CH designed
10 DIO_MCX_16 16 channel 4HP fast DIO production none required Yes, proto designed
11 DIO-BNC 3U module with 8 BNC and LVTTL@50Ohm production stable Replaced by DIO-SMA16-DIOT
12 DIO-SMA16-DIOT 16 channel fast DIO ready for production none required Yes, designed
13 DIO MCX 16 Isolated 16 channel fast DIO with individually isolated MCX IOs ready for production none required Yes, designed
14 DIO-LVTTL-IDC-Tester Simple DIO & Controller/Tester module production none required NA
15 Banker 3U module with 128 channel 3.3V/5V digital IO with versatile IO extenders production stable planned
16 Shuttler FMC card with 16x 125 MSPS 14-bit DAC prototype debugging development Yes, working
17 Fastino 3U module with 32-channel, 16bit, 3MS/s per channel DAC card production stable Yes, testing
18 HV DAC 8 +/-200V HV DAC RnD RnD Yes, designed
19 Zotino 3U module - 32 channel +/- 12V DAC production stable Yes, designed
20 Zapper high-voltage PZT driver v1.0 produced and tested testing RnD
21 Shuttler Remote AFE 16-channel low noise AFE for shuttler production development NA
22 HV DAC 2 1ppm stable HV DAC SCH review RnD RND
23 Magneto DC power current source for electromagnets PCB assembly RnD Yes, testing
24 Mirny 3U module: 4-channel microwave synthesizer production stable Yes, designed
25 Urukul 3U module with 4x 1 GS/s DDS production stable Yes, testing
26 Almazny 12GHz mezzanine for Mirny production development planned
27 Phaser 2 channel 1GSPS AWG/DDS + 2 channel 5MSPS ADC production stable planned
28 RFSOC-SAWG High speed 10GS/s AWG in EEM/DIOT form factor ready for prototyping RFQ Yes, designed
Clocking & switching
29 Clocker Low noise clock distribution module production none required NA
30 Wenzel Clock Low noise frequency reference prototype testing none required Yes, testing
31 8x8 switch low jitter 8x8 crosspoint switch RnD RnD Yes, testing
32 Fastino MUX 32:2 32 channel DIOT/EEM/Stand alone mux for Fastino/Zotino proto tests development Yes, testing
33 Stabilizer 3U module, 2-channel microcontroller servo with EEM and Ethernet based on STM32 CPU production stable planned
34 Stabilizer Piezo Driver 2 channel HV piezo driver proto working none required NA
35 Fast servo Low latency + FPGA ADC/DAC servo proto working development planned
36 Pounder PDH lock signal generator - Stabilizer mezzanine production testing planned
37 Fast PID controller 60MHz, <10ns delay PID controller RnD RnD NA
Temperature control
38 Thermostat two channel precise TEC temperature controller production usable but not yet stable NA
39 Thermostat EEM Thermostat with 4 TECs and eight sensor channels in EEM form factor production useful but not stable planned
40 16 channel temperature logger PT100/PT1000 16 channel thermometer RnD RnD Yes, testing
41 HV AMP 8CH +/-200V 1MHz 8 channel amplifier production stable replaced by HV DAC 8
42 SiLPA HE Simple high-efficiency wideband RF amplifier RnD development planned
43 SiLPA HL Simple high-linearity wideband RF amplifier proto tests development Yes, testing
44 ZHL simple RF Amplifier simple, 3U size MiniCircuit ZHL amplifier production none required not planned
45 HV AMP 32 8-channel booster amplifier for Zotino & Fastino production none required Yes, testing
46 VHF amplifier 10W RF amplifier with modulator input PCB review none required Yes, testing
not classified
47 Sampler (Novo) 3U module with multichannel ADC production stable Yes, designed
48 Grabber 3U module with Camera Link production stable Yes, designed
49 Kirdy laser current driver prototype testing ?
50 CompactPCISerial _EEM_Adapter Compact PCI Serial to EEM adapter. Enables utilisation of existing EEM ecosystem in standard CPCIS chassis proto tests none required NA
51 EEM FMC Carrier low cost EEM FMC HPC carrier production development Yes, stable
52 Stepper motor controller Ultra los noise 8 channel motor controller RnD RnD Yes, testing
53 Humpback 3U module: General purpose STM32/ESP32/OrangePi/Beaglebone baseboard with FPGA working, discontinued planned
54 RF modulator Versatile DC to 1GHz double modulator proto production none required planned
55 DIOT extender card DIOT system/peripheral board extender debug card ready for prototyping none required Yes
56 HV DAC REF 0.5ppm reference card with compensation RnD none required RnD
57 DIOT_Backplane Sinara optimised DIOT backplane RnD RnD Yes
58 CPCIS-AC-PSU Low cost 180W DIOT PSU prototype testing none required Yes
60 AUX PSU 3-channel programmable low noise supply v1.1 production none required planned
61 AC power module 400W EEM power module production none required NA
62 Floating HV PSU FLoating (10kV) double HV PSU proto tests RnD Yes, testing

FMC boards

Board name Board description HW Status Firmware/Software Status DIOT
1 12G AWG 12GS/s quad channel FMC AWG RnD RnD Yes
2 FMC-DIO-32LVDS Universal 32-channel bi-directional LVDS card production stable Yes
3 Stamper 16-channel TDC with ADC v1.0 delivered, v1.1 in production testing Yes
4 Waver FMC 4-channel DC-coupled 10Vpp 1.5GS/s Arbitrary Waveform Generator tested, ready for production RnD Yes

Obsolete EEM/Eurocard boards

Board name Board description HW Status Firmware/Software Status DIOT
1 Driver Low noise current source for laser diodes replaced by Kirdy development obsolete
2 Photodiode Amplifier general purpose photodiode amplifier for AI-ARTIQ discontinued none required NA

MTCA boards

Board name Board description HW Status Firmware/Software Status DIOT
1 Sayma AMC AMC module with Kintex US FPGA, FMC, RTM and 2 SFPs production testing NA
2 Sayma RTM RTM module with 8x DAC, 8x ADC, 4 AFE + clock mezzanines production testing NA
3 Metlino MCH Tongue 3&4 module with 3 SFPs, 2 VHDCI and Kintex US FPGA production testing NA
4 uTCA micro-chassis uTCA micro-chassis for single AMC + RTM v1.1 proto production new Linux MMC development NA
5 PCB_eRTM15_ Baikal Clock distribution module for uRFB schematics and layout done, discontinued NA
6 Mordovia_MCH_CLK Triple clock fanout that provides access to M-LVDS and TELCOM clocks v1.1 development none required NA
7 BaseMod AFE for Sayma RTM production stable NA
8 PCB_mezzanine_ analog_template AFE template/test board for Sayma RTM proto delivered none required NA
9 MixMod upconversion AFE for Sayma RTM designed, discontinued discontinued NA
10 PCB_mezzanine_ clock clock module for Sayma RTM discontinued NA
11 PCB_mezzanine_ clock_template clock module template/test board for Sayma RTM working, discontinued none required NA
12 PCB_RTM_ loopback test module for Sayma AMC GTX characterisation working, discontinued none required NA
13 PCB_RTM_SATA SATA breakout module for Sayma AMC working, discontinued none required NA
14 RSOC-AMC AMC module with octal 4GS/s ADC + 6GS/s DAC testing development NA
15 Metlino_Fabric&Timing FMC adapter giving Metlino access to Fabric E and Telecom clocks RnD none required NA

Stand-alone devices

Board name Board description HW Status Firmware/Software Status DIOT
1 Booster 8-channel stand-alone RF amplifier production stable NA
2 Booster_HL High linearity 8-channel stand-alone RF amplifier production stable NA
3 Digital Photodiode Digital versatile photodiode prototype debugging development NA
4 Line trigger Low jitter line trigger box production none required NA
5 SPE router Single Pair Ethernet router for DiPho RnD development NA
6 RF_detector Temperature compensated RF detector RnD RnD NA
7 AFE_DAC_External External DAC AFE to be used with Shuttler, Fastino and Zotino. production RnD NA


Board name Board description HW Status Firmware/Software Status DIOT
1 PCB_AMC_SATA adapter between Sayma AMC and several SATA ports working, discontinued none required NA
2 SATA-SFP media converter production stable NA
3 IDC_HD68_Adapter IDC to HD68 adaper for Zotino production none required NA
4 Banker_EDGE _2_DSUB Banker DSUB extension for DIN rail tested, ready for production none required NA
5 Banker_EDGE _2_BNC Banker 8xBNC extension for DIN rail tested, ready for production none required NA
6 Banker_EDGE _2_SMA Banker 8xSMA extension for DIN rail tested, ready for production none required NA
7 Banker _VHDCI_2_EDGE Banker VHDCI to DIN extension baseboard tested, ready for production none required NA
8 Banker _VHDCI_2_EDGE_Buffered Banker VHDCI to DIN buffered extension baseboard tested, ready for production none required NA
9 HD68 to BNC breakout HD68 to BNC/MCX stand-alone/3U adapter production none required NA
10 IDC MCX adapter 32-channel IDC to MCX adapter / Zotino/Fastino mezzanine production none required NA
11 SMA_IDC_Adapter 4HP SMA adapter for Zotino & Banker production none required NA
12 BNC_IDC 8HP Adapter for routing analog potentials / digital signals from Zotino/Banker IDC headers to BNC production none required NA
13 mSAS-IDC-adapter Fastino/Zotino/Shuttler to HVAMP8 (IDC) adapter RnD finished none required NA
14 Adapter_SAS_UFL Fastino/Zotino/Shuttler to u.FL adapter RnD finished none required NA
15 VREF 1ppm voltage reference RnD none required Yes

Project Status
Purchasing Hardware
Style Guide

Eurocard Extension Modules (EEMs)


Kasli: FPGA Carrier
Kasli-SOC: SoC FPGA Carrier

DIO_BNC: Digital IO on BNCs
DIO_SMA: Digital IO on SMAs
DIO_MCX: Digital IO on MCXs
DIO_RJ45: LVDS IO on RJ45s

Zotino: 32ch DAC
Fastino: 32ch DAC
Zapper: 8ch Piezo Driver
HV_AMP_8CH: 8ch High Voltage Amp

Sampler: 8ch ADC

Mirny: Microwave Synthesiser
Almazny: 12GHz Mirny Mezzanine
Urukul: 4ch DDS
Phaser: 2ch AWG

Stabilizer: 2xADC+2xDAC Servo
Pounder: Stabilizer PDH Lock

Thermostat_EEM: 4ch Temp Controller
Kirdy: laser current driver
Clocker: Clock Buffer


Humpback: SBC Carrier
Grabber: Camera Frame Grabber
Banker: Versatile 128x IO

MicroTCA Ecosystem


uTCA Chassis
Metlino: uTCA MCH
Sayma: 8-channel smart AWG
Clock generation mezzanines
Sayma analogue front ends
Misc uTCA hardware



Shuttler: 16ch fast DAC
TDC+ADC: 16ch

Support Hardware

Booster: 8ch RF Power Amplifier
DiPho: Digital Photodiode
Thermostat: 2ch Temp Controller
Line Trigger

Adapters and Breakout

HD68 to IDC
Kasli BP Adapter


SFP: recommended components


Planned hardware
Case Studies
Other Quantum Control Systems

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