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Long term network traffic statistics from ntopng, viewed in grafana via influxdb


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Long term network traffic statistics from ntopng, viewed in grafana via influxdb.


ntopng provides some transparency into the goings-on in your network. However, the available data is limited to active flows and access to historical data is paywalled. ntopng does support exporting timeseries data to InfluxDB, in essence, making it possible to view historical data through a visualization tool such as Grafana.

Grafana Dashboard


ntopng-overview.png ntopng-LAN_traffic.png ntopng-external.png


If you choose to use this repository, it is your responsibility to evaluate and accept any risk involved.


If your target platform is OpenWRT, follow the instructions here and then jump to the Configuration section below.


  • Command line access on the target device (SSH or keyboard and display)
  • Internet access from the target device
  • Familiarity with the linux command line, SSH and docker
  • The following command line tools pre-installed:
    • git
    • wget
    • unzip
    • docker and docker compose
    • sqlite3

Clone this repository

Log in to the target device via SSH or connect a keyboard and display and clone this repository

git clone

Henceforth, let's refer to the repository directory as <ntopng-grafana>. Please substitute it with the actual path, where ever it is used.

Start services

Install dependencies

cd <ntopng-grafana>
chmod +x scripts/*.sh
scripts/ internally calls which pulls Autonomous System Number (ASN) and Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI) mappings and creates look-up tables in an sqlite3 database.

Update configuration

For simplicity, let's create a docker-compose.yml link to the appropriate compose file:

ln -s docker-compose.default.yml docker-compose.yml

In docker-compose.yml under services > ntopng > command, make sure, the specified interfaces (-i), are the ones you want to monitor. You can add more interfaces if you want, for example:

command: [..., "-i", "br-lan", "-i", "eth0", "-i", "eth1",...]

For arm64 (untested), under services > ntopng, choose the ntop/ image instead of ntop/ntopng:stable:

    # image: ntop/ntopng:stable
    image: ntop/

The exposed TCP ports are:

service port location
redis 6379 services > redis > ports
influxdb 8086 services > influxdb > ports
grafana 3003 services > grafana > ports
ntopng 3002 services > ntopng > command

Please choose unused TCP ports, as appropriate for your environment, and substitute accordingly, in the configuration instructions.

Start the ntopng stack

In the repository base folder (<ntopng-grafana>), run:

docker compose pull
docker compose up -d

Please be patient, this may take a little time.



Access the ntopng web UI (version 6.2 at the time of writing) by going to http://<device_IP_address>:3002 in your browser. The default username/password combination is admin/admin. Change the password and then you should be redirected to the ntopng dashboard.

Export flows to InfluxDB

  1. Within the ntopng web interface, navigate to Settings > Preferences > Timeseries. Make the following changes to collect data for the included Grafana dashboard.
    1. Timeseries Database
      1. Timeseries Driver: InfluxDB 1.x/2.x
      2. InfluxDB URL: http://localhost:8086
      3. Timeseries/Stats Data Retention (optional): 60
    2. Interfaces Timeseries
      1. Layer-7 Applications: None
    3. Local Hosts Timeseries
      1. Host Timeseries (one of):
        • Light - default
        • Full - only if you want to monitor DNS request statistics
    4. Devices Timeseries
      1. Traffic: On
    5. Other Timeseries
      1. Autonomous Systems: On
      2. Countries: On
  2. Click Save

Screenshots for reference

ntopng-timeseries_1.png ntopng-timeseries_2.png


Access the grafana web UI (version 11.2.0 at the time of writing) by going to http://<device_IP_address>:3003 in your browser. The default username/password combination is admin/admin. Change the password and then you should be redirected to the grafana home page.

Timeseries datasource (InfluxDB)

  1. Navigate to Connections > Add new connection and select InfluxDB.
  2. Click Add new datasource
  3. Change the following properties
    1. Name: ntopng
    2. HTTP
      1. URL (one of):
        • http://localhost:8086/ - OpenWRT
        • http://influxdb:8086/ - other platforms
    3. InfluxDB Details
      1. Database: ntopng
  4. Click Save & test
  5. Verify that your datasource has been added under Connections > Datasources in the left navigation panel. ntopng-grafana-influxdb.png

Lookup tables (SQLite)

  1. Navigate to Connections > Add new connection and select SQLite.
  2. Click Add new datasource
  3. Change the following properties
    1. Name: ntopng-luts
    2. Path: /custom/lut.sqlite3
  4. Click Save & test
  5. Verify that your datasource has been added under Connections > Datasources in the left navigation panel. ntopng-grafana-sqlite.png

Import the ntopng Long-term Dashboard

  1. Navigate to Dashboards, click New > Import
  2. Upload the grafana-dashboard/ntopng - Long Term - xxxxxxxxxxxxx.json file from this repository
    • Note: If your browser is not running on the same host, where you cloned this repository, you will have to acquire this single file, separately, in order to upload it to grafana
  3. Choose the InfluxDB (ntopng) and SQLite (ntopng-luts) datasources you created earlier
  4. Click Import

Map your network interface names

  1. Navigate to Dashboards and choose ntopng - Long Term
  2. Navigate to Dashboard settings by clicking the cog icon (⚙)
  3. Go to Variables > iface_name. This variable corresponds to the Interface Name dropdown on the dashboard.
  4. Under Custom Options enter the name : index pairs for the interfaces you're monitoring. The order must match the specification under services > ntopng > command in docker-compose.yml. The format must be:
    <interface_name_1> : 0,<interface_name_2> : 1,<interface_name_3> : 2,...
    Please follow this formatting precisely. Grafana doesn't tolerate missing or extra spaces. The names are purely for your reference. However, the numbers after the colon (:) must be sequential, starting with 0. ntopng-grafana_var1.png
  1. Verify that the Preview of values section only shows the interface names.
  2. Click Apply and then Save Dashboard

You should now have a functional Grafana dashboard for long-term ntopng data.


  • If you want to update the LUTs periodically, you can use cron to call scripts/, say, once a month by adding the following line to your crontab (command crontab -e)

     0 0 1 * * <ntopng-grafana>/scripts/
  • Since docker doesn't guarantee the start order of containers on boot, at times, ntopng may fail to discover influxdb at start-up. Therefore, it makes sense restart the ntopng stack on boot. The scripts/ script can be used to do this.

    Normally, this can be achieved by adding an @reboot instruction to our crontab:

     @reboot <ntopng-grafana>/scripts/

    OpenWRT, however, doesn't support time shortcuts out-of-the-box. As an alternative, edit /etc/rc.local and add the following line before exit 0

     /opt/ntopng-grafana/scripts/ &



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