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HoTTLean : Formalizing the Meta-Theory of HoTT in Lean

This repository formalizes in Lean the groupoid model of HoTT. A web version of the mathematics, Lean documentation, and a dependency graph on the progress of formalization can be found here.

This is intended to serve as the basis for a HoTT mode in Lean.

This repository relies on the formalization of polynomial functors.

To get the most recent changes of the polynomial functors repository, run lake update first in the terminal inside the VSCode. You should see a message like

info: Poly: updating repository '././.lake/packages/Poly' to revision '7297691124d30c971ff69d691e6cbd35e9a5bcac'

To get mathlib cached .olean files run

lake exe cache get

and to get the cached files and override your potentially corrupted .olean files run

lake exe cache get!