Describe easily your redux reducer, working in couple with type-to-reducer. type-to-reducer-addons, like type-to-reducer, works well following API suggested by redux-promise-middleware.
npm install type-to-reducer type-to-reducer-addons --save
A usage of type-to-reducer like that:
import typeToReducer from 'type-to-reducer'
const initialState = {
user: {
data: null,
fetching: false,
fetched: false,
error: false
export const reducer = typeToReducer({
PENDING: () => ({
fetching: true
REJECTED: (state, action) => ({
fetching: false,
error: action.payload
FULFILLED: (state, action) => ({
fetching: false,
fetched: true,
data: action.payload
}, initialState)
can be easily compacted writing something like that:
import typeToReducer from 'type-to-reducer'
import typedReducer from 'type-to-reducer-addons'
const initialState = {
user: {
data: null,
fetching: false,
fetched: false,
error: false
const reducer = typeToReducer({
[ USER_FETCH ]: typedReducer('user')
}, initialState)
So you have only to specify the name of the property target of the function (in this case user).
When you have to customize one of pending, rejected or fulfilled function, you can split typedReducer:
import typeToReducer from 'type-to-reducer'
import { pendingAction, rejectedAction, fulfilledAction } from 'type-to-reducer-addons'
const initialState = {
user: {
data: null,
fetching: false,
fetched: false,
error: false
const reducer = typeToReducer({
PENDING: (state, action) => pendingAction(state, action, 'user'),
REJECTED: (state, action) => rejectedAction(state, action, 'user'),
FULFILLED: (state, action) => {
const { age, name, surname } = action.payload
return {
fetching: false,
fetched: true,
data: {
}, initialState)
If your initial state object shape is different than the raccomanded by redux-promise-middleware, we exposed a function to call to customize your object shape.
import typeToReducer from 'type-to-reducer'
import typedReducer, { setCustomShape } from 'type-to-reducer-addons'
const initialeState = {
user: {
payload: null,
isFetching: false,
isFetched: false,
errors: null,
const customShape = {
data: "payload",
fetching: "isFetching",
fetched: "isFetched",
error: "errors",
const reducer = typeToReducer({
[ USER_FETCH ]: typedReducer('user')
}, initialState)