This is a small basic grpc service for managing user data stored in postgres database.
This project compiles to a binary that runs two different commands:
command to start the grpc server, ande2e
command to run e2e basic tests.
You don't have to compile the binary manually as the project ships a Makefile which automate all the building and testing with docker-compose environment:
# to run unit tests:
make test
# to run e2e tests:
make test-e2e
# to lint project:
make lint
# to build a naked binary:
make build
# to generate protobuf files:
make generate
# to run project in a docker-compose env:
make composer-up
The following endpoint are implemented:
| UserStore | CheckHealth | CheckHealthRequest | CheckHealthReply |
| UserStore | AddUser | AddUserRequest | AddUserReply |
| UserStore | UpdateUser | UpdateUserRequest | UpdateUserReply |
| UserStore | DeleteUser | DeleteUserRequest | DeleteUserReply |
| UserStore | ListUsers | ListUsersRequest | User |
Refer to api/user.proto
for more details about the endpoints and the requests and replies structures.
The server expects configurations via env vars. The following golang struct explains all the expected environment vars:
type envVars struct {
Port int `env:"PORT" envDefault:"8080"`
PostgresHost string `env:"POSTGRES_HOST" envDefault:"postgres"`
PostgresPort int `env:"POSTGRES_PORT" envDefault:"5432"`
PostgresUser string `env:"POSTGRES_USER" envDefault:"admin"`
PostgresPassword string `env:"POSTGRES_PASSWORD" envDefault:"password"`
PostgresDB string `env:"POSTGRES_DB" envDefault:"userdb"`
NotifierWebHooks []string `env:"NOTIFIER_WEBHOOKS" envSeparator:","`
is a comma seperated string for all web hooks urls used to notify other systems upon user data changes.
I decided to use postgres to store the user data. Postgres is pretty much a good choice for such a use case. I used gorm library to simplify the data access layer code. I never used this lib before but wanted to give it a try.
Only two options to choose from (rest
and grpc
). Typically,
I would use rest
for use case unless wire efficiency and latency is crucial.
Here, I used grpc
just to be cool :).
This feature is implemented via UserStore.ListUsers
endpoint. Nothing special to design here.
Example call:
# using grpcurl tool:
grpcurl -plaintext -d '{"page": 2, "page_size": 6, "filters": {"email": "[email protected]"} }' localhost:8080 api.UserStore.ListUsers
##$ 2. Asynchronous Notification Mechanism
To allow other services getting notified when changes to use data happens, I decided to implement web hook for that.
A comma seperated string of webhooks should be configured via NOTIFIER_WEBHOOKS
The server will fire post requests asynchronously.
These requests encode both the changed user data (via request body) and the type of the change (via /add /delete /update) paths.
For simplicity, I used a very simple channel + single goroutine to implement a FIFO queue to queue the notifications to be sent asynchronously. For larger and more serious systems, an auto-scaling jobs queue with more goroutines need to be implemented.