Visit (this): Original (upstream):
export GITORG=sirouk
cd $HOME
rm -rf $HOME/namada-campfire
git clone$GITORG/namada-campfire
# reconnect to SSH to activate docker group
NOTE: perhaps subdomain and subdomain wildcard DNS entries to make this easy
### Prepare SSL Certs
(for example: v0.39.0)
cp $HOME/namada-campfire/config/campfire.env $HOME/campfire.env
nano $HOME/campfire.env
# edit the file and update with chain values
You will be presented with the option to launch all Namada Campfire components like so:
The following steps would be to (re)launch the faucet, indexer, and interface!
Would you like to execute these steps? (y/n)
That's it! If you answered "y" to the above, you will not need to launch the following components separately.
But here they are for your reference!
WIPE_DB=false CHAINDATA_PATH=$HOME/chaindata/namada-1 TENDERMINT_URL="" $HOME/namada-campfire/scripts/
CHAINDATA_PATH=$HOME/chaindata/namada-1 $HOME/namada-campfire/scripts/
CHAINDATA_PATH=$HOME/chaindata/namada-1 $HOME/namada-campfire/scripts/
⚠️ CONTAINER CLEANUP: stops and deletes containers
docker container stop $(docker container ls --all | grep 'faucet-' | awk '{print $1}')
docker container rm --force $(docker container ls --all | grep 'faucet-' | awk '{print $1}')
docker container stop $(docker container ls --all | grep 'namada-indexer' | awk '{print $1}')
docker container rm --force $(docker container ls --all | grep 'namada-indexer' | awk '{print $1}')
docker container stop $(docker container ls --all | grep 'masp-indexer' | awk '{print $1}')
docker container rm --force $(docker container ls --all | grep 'masp-indexer' | awk '{print $1}')
docker container stop $(docker container ls --all | grep 'interface' | awk '{print $1}')
docker container rm --force $(docker container ls --all | grep 'interface' | awk '{print $1}')
docker container stop $(docker container ls --all | grep 'compose-namada-' | awk '{print $1}')
docker container rm --force $(docker container ls --all | grep 'compose-namada-' | awk '{print $1}')
⚠️ IMAGE CLEANUP: deletes images
# faucet-be and faucet-fe
docker image rm --force $(docker image ls --all | grep 'faucet-' | awk '{print $3}')
# interface
docker image rm --force $(docker image ls --all | grep 'interface' | awk '{print $3}')
# indexer
docker image rm --force $(docker image ls --all | grep 'namada-indexer' | awk '{print $3}')
# masp-indexer
docker image rm --force $(docker image ls --all | grep 'masp-indexer' | awk '{print $3}')
# namada
docker image rm --force $(docker image ls --all | grep 'compose-namada' | awk '{print $3}')
[!TIP] End of the Quick-Start!
- (required) Docker/Compose (there is an install script to install Docker and a few other misc dependencies in the
folder). If you are a non-root user, you will want to add yourself to the 'docker' group so that you can run docker commands without sudo (to ensure scripts work as intended without stopping to prompt for a password) - Nginx to proxy to landing page, rpc, faucet etc (example nginx config in
folder) - LetsEncrypt/Certbot for SSL certificates
- Any other general security practices (eg: Fail2Ban, SSH 2fa)
- Provision a domain name -- we'll use as an example. Setup your DNS records to point to your server, along with any corresponding subdomains. For a setup that includes chain, landing page, rpc, and faucet we can setup these records:
This scheme can be extended to add additional subdomains for other components (for
etc.) - Clone this repo onto your server.
- Install some dependencies:
Nginx:sudo apt install nginx
LetsEncrypt/Certbot:sudo apt install certbot python3-certbot-nginx
- Obtain your SSL certs:
sudo certbot --nginx -d -d -d -d -d --register-unsafely-without-email --agree-tos
Take note of the location where they're saved, for eg:
Successfully received certificate.
Certificate is saved at: /etc/letsencrypt/live/
Key is saved at: /etc/letsencrypt/live/
- Replace the default nginx config at
with the contents ofconfig/nginx.conf
(modifying paths, domain names, ports etc as needed). Be sure to restart the nginx service after changing the config. - Create a textfile (in any location you like) for the env variables used to configure the Campfire chain, following the example in
- Build the containers for Namada, Faucet-frontend and Faucet-backend following the instructions in
directory. Verify the images were built correctly:
# docker image ls
faucet-be local c23a96aad4bb 24 minutes ago 125MB
faucet-fe local 0ee44868743f 54 minutes ago 70.7MB
namada v0.35.1 5cfbccd74f18 About an hour ago 573MB
You can launch the chain by running the script scripts/
, or by following these steps:
- Before starting, check the docker compose file
and make sure the paths for each volume point to a sensible location on your server. (Change them if needed). - Start the chain using the compose file and the env file you created in the previous section:
# first set this to specify which container image to use, ie: namada:${NAMADA_TAG}
export NAMADA_TAG=v0.35.1
docker compose -f $HOME/namada-campfire/docker/compose/docker-compose-local-namada.yml --env-file $HOME/campfire.env up -d
- After the chain has started, you can obtain the chain-id, faucet private-key and NAM token address (both found in the wallet.toml of the namada-1 node
). You can now start the faucet backend:
docker run --name faucet-be -d -p "5001:5000" faucet-be:local ./server --cargo-env development --difficulty 3 --private-key $FAUCET_PK --chain-start 1 --chain-id $CHAIN_ID --port 5001 --rps 10 --rpc
and frontend:
docker run --name faucet-fe -d -p "4000:80" faucet-fe:local
(Note: the NAM token address is assumed to be tnam1q87wtaqqtlwkw927gaff34hgda36huk0kgry692a
but if yours if different for some reason, you will have to update the faucet-frontend env file $HOME/namada-interface/apps/faucet/.env
with the new value and rebuild the frontend container to incorporate the changes.)
You can test that everything is working by creating a test address and requesting some tokens from the faucet:
docker exec -it compose-namada-1-1 /bin/bash
namadaw gen --alias test --unsafe-dont-encrypt
namadaw list # note your tnam address
# go to in your web browser and request some tokens
namadac balance --owner test
# you should see your tokens
You can re-launch the chain by running the script scripts/
, or follow these steps to stop the chain, wipe all chain data, and re-launch with a different version of Namada:
- Build the container image for the new version of Namada (this can be done while the old chain is still running, to minimize downtime). There shouldn't be any need to rebuild the faucet frontend or backend containers in most cases.
- Stop the chain:
docker compose -f $HOME/namada-campfire/docker/compose/docker-compose-local-namada.yml --env-file $HOME/campfire.env down --volumes
- Delete the old chain data from disk:
sudo rm -rf $HOME/chaindata
- Stop and remove the two faucet containers:
docker stop faucet-fe faucet-be && docker rm faucet-fe faucet-be
- Build the container image for the new version of Namada. There shouldn't be any need to rebuild the faucet frontend or backend containers in most cases.
- Relaunch the chain according to the steps in Starting the chain.
Sometimes, a new version of Namada will require changes to the node startup script, genesis parameter toml files, or faucet source code. These will need to be figured out as needed through trial and error.